Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse


(1) To the leader [of the musicians], to the git. [Song] of Asaph. (2) Sing to the Almighty, our stronghold; Trumpet Jacob to the Almighty. (3) Elevate the singing, give the tympanum, the sweet-sounding harp with the lyre. (4) Blow the horn at the new moon, at the appointed time of our feast. (5) For this is the statute for Israel, the judgment of Jacob the Almighty. (6) He placed the crown on Joseph,197 when he went out to go through the land of Egypt: "I hear speech that I do not know." 7 "I took the weight from his shoulder, and his hands were freed from the cauldrons. (8) If you cried out in trouble, I delivered you, answered you secretly with thunder. At the waters of Meribah I tried thee. (9) Listen, my people, I warn you, O Israel, if you listen to me! (10) So that you do not have a foreign god, and you do not worship a foreign god. (11) I am God, your Almighty, who has raised you up from the land of Egypt. Open your mouth, and I will fill it." (12) But my people did not listen to my voice, and Israel did not want to listen to me. (13) I have left them to the discretion of their hearts, and let them follow their thoughts. (14) Oh, if my people had listened to me, Israel would have walked in my ways! (15) I would soon humble their enemies, and I would turn my hand against their oppressors. (16) God-haters will fawn favor with him, and their prosperity will continue forever. (17) He will feed him with the fat of wheat, and he will satisfy you with honey from the rock.


(1) The Song of Asaph. The Almighty is present in the community of the Almighty [God], among the judges He conducts judgment. (2) How long will you judge by falsehood, and performer to evildoers for ever? [200] (3) Execute judgment on the poor and the orphan, justify the oppressed and needy,[201] (4) deliver the poor and needy, save them from the hand of evildoers. 5 They do not know, they do not understand, they walk in darkness: all the foundations of the earth tremble. (6) I thought you were angels,203 sons of the Most High, all of you. 7 But you will die as a man, you will fall as one of the princes. (8) Arise, O Almighty, judge the earth, for you will inherit all nations.


(1) The Song of Asaph. (2) Almighty, do not be silent, do not be silent! Do not remain in peace, Almighty! (3) For behold, your enemies are making a noise, and those who hate you have lifted up their heads. (4) They have conspired against thy people, and they are conferring against those whom thou hast preserved. (5) They said, "Let us go and destroy them from among the nations, so that the name of Israel may no longer be mentioned." (6) For they take counsel with one accord, and make an alliance against you,204 (7) the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and Gagrim,205 (8) Gbal, Amun, and Amalek, the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre. 9 Ashur also joined them: they became a muscle to the sons of Lot, forever. (10) Do to them what you did to Midian, to Sisra, to Yavin by the river Kishon, (11) who were destroyed in Ain Dor and became dung to the earth. (12) Treat their princes as you did Oreb and Zeev, as you did Zebach and Zalmaunah, and all their nobles. (13) Because they say, "Let us take possession of the villages of the Almighty!" (14) My Almighty! Make them like thistles, a straw in the wind. (15) As fire burns up forests, as flames scorch mountains, (16) so drive them out with your storm, and with your whirlwind bring them into confusion. (17) Cover their faces with dishonor, so that they may seek your name, O God! (18) May they be ashamed, be dismayed forever, be put to shame, and perish! (19) So that they may know that you, your name is God, are the only one over all the earth.


(1) To the leader [of the musicians]. On gitit. The Song of the Sons of Korach. (2) How dear are your mansions, O God of hosts! (3) My soul is enchanted and faint in the courts of God, my heart and my flesh will sing to the Almighty [God] who lives. (4) For even the bird finds a house, and the swallow finds a nest where to lay his young, at thy altars,206 O God of hosts, my king, my Almighty! (5) Glory to those who dwell in your house: they will praise you unceasingly, forever. (6) Glory to the man whose stronghold is in you, who thinks in his heart about his ways[207]. (7) As they pass through the valley of weeping, they discover springs in it and surround the guide with blessings. (8) They go from strength to strength, appearing before the Almighty in Zion. (9) God, Almighty of armies, hear my prayer, hearken, O Almighty Jacob, forever! (10) See our stronghold[208], O Almighty! Look at the face of Thy anointed. (11) For one day in your courts is better than a thousand years. I prefer to be at the threshold of the House of my Almighty than to live in the tents of evil. (12) For God the Almighty is the sun and the shield, and God will give charm and glory. He will not deprive those who walk in blamelessness of good. (13) God of hosts! Glory to the man who trusts in You!


(1) To the leader [of the musicians]. The song of the sons of Korach. (2) God! If Thou wouldst desire Thy land, Thou wouldst restore the captivity of Jacob. (3) He would have forgiven the sin of your people, and covered all their transgressions, for ever. (4) I would have taken away all your wrath, I would have turned away the ferocity of your wrath. (5) Bring us back, O Almighty [God] of our salvation, stop your wrath against us. (6) Will you be angry with us forever, will you bear your wrath from generation to generation? (7) For you will revive us again, and your people will rejoice in you. (8) Show us, O God, your mercy, grant us your salvation. (9) I will listen to what the Almighty will say. When God speaks peace to His people and to His godly, they will not return to folly. (10) His salvation is near for those who fear him, so that glory may dwell in our country. (11) Mercy and truth will meet, truth and peace will come into contact. (12) (When) truth grows out of the earth, righteousness will be seen from heaven. (13) God will also give good, and our land will yield its harvest. (14) Righteousness will walk before him, and he will put his feet in the way.