Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse


(1) The Song of Asaph. Almighty! The Gentiles have entered into Thy inheritance, they have defiled Thy holy temple, they have turned Jerusalem into ruins! (2) The carcasses of Thy servants have been given to the birds of the air, the bodies of Thy righteous to the beasts of the earth. (3) They have shed their blood like water around Jerusalem, and there is no one to bury them. (4) We have become a laughing stock among our neighbors, a reproach and a reproach to those around us. (5) How long, O God, will you be angry unceasingly, your jealousy will burn like fire? (6) Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not know you, and on the nations that do not call on your name. (7) For they devoured Jacob and laid waste his monastery. (8) Do not remind us of our former sins, but may your mercy meet us quickly, for we are very exhausted. (9) Help us, O Almighty God of our salvation, for the glory of your name, deliver us and forgive us our sins for your name's sake. (10) Why do the nations say, "Where is their Almighty?" Let it be known among the nations, before our eyes, the vengeance for the shed blood of Thy servants. (11) Let the groaning of the prisoner come before you, and by the majesty of your arm set free those who are doomed to death. (12) And return to our neighbors seven times the insults with which they have insulted you, O Lord. (13) And we, your people, your flock, will thank you forever, and from generation to generation we will tell of your glory.


(1) To the leader [of the musicians]. On shoshanim. Testimony[194] of Asaph, Song. (2) Shepherd of Israel, hearken! Yosefa, who is leading like sheep, who has placed [His Shechina between] the kruvim [that is on the Ark of the Covenant], manifest Himself! (3) For the sake of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Menashe, awaken your power and come to our salvation. (4) Almighty, bring us back, let your countenance shine and we will be saved! (5) Lord, Almighty [God] of armies! How long will Thou be indignant at the prayer of Thy people? (6) You have fed them with bread of tears, you have given them to drink tears to a great extent, (7) You have given us over to reproach our neighbors, our enemies mock us. (8) Almighty [God] of hosts, bring us back, let your countenance shine and we will be saved! (9) Thou hast brought the vine out of Egypt, and thou hast driven out the nations, and thou hast planted it. (10) He cleared a place for it and established its roots, and it filled the earth. (11) The mountains are covered with its shadow, and its branches are like mighty cedars. (12) She put out her branches to the sea, and her shoots to the river. (13) Why have you broken down her fences? Everyone passing by breaks it off. (14) The wild boar of the forest undermines it, the beast of the field devours it. (15) Almighty [God] of armies, turn and look down from heaven and see and watch over this vine (16) and the sapling that your right hand has planted, and the son whom you have secured for yourself. (17) She was burned in the fire, circumcised. At the cry of Thy wrath they perish. (18) May your hand be over the man who has been saved by your right hand, over the son of man whom you have secured for yourself. (19) And we will not depart from you; revive us, and we will call upon Thy name. (20) Lord, Almighty of hosts, bring us back, let your countenance shine and we will be saved.


(1) To the leader [of the musicians], to the git. [Song] of Asaph. (2) Sing to the Almighty, our stronghold; Trumpet Jacob to the Almighty. (3) Elevate the singing, give the tympanum, the sweet-sounding harp with the lyre. (4) Blow the horn at the new moon, at the appointed time of our feast. (5) For this is the statute for Israel, the judgment of Jacob the Almighty. (6) He placed the crown on Joseph,197 when he went out to go through the land of Egypt: "I hear speech that I do not know." 7 "I took the weight from his shoulder, and his hands were freed from the cauldrons. (8) If you cried out in trouble, I delivered you, answered you secretly with thunder. At the waters of Meribah I tried thee. (9) Listen, my people, I warn you, O Israel, if you listen to me! (10) So that you do not have a foreign god, and you do not worship a foreign god. (11) I am God, your Almighty, who has raised you up from the land of Egypt. Open your mouth, and I will fill it." (12) But my people did not listen to my voice, and Israel did not want to listen to me. (13) I have left them to the discretion of their hearts, and let them follow their thoughts. (14) Oh, if my people had listened to me, Israel would have walked in my ways! (15) I would soon humble their enemies, and I would turn my hand against their oppressors. (16) God-haters will fawn favor with him, and their prosperity will continue forever. (17) He will feed him with the fat of wheat, and he will satisfy you with honey from the rock.


(1) The Song of Asaph. The Almighty is present in the community of the Almighty [God], among the judges He conducts judgment. (2) How long will you judge by falsehood, and performer to evildoers for ever? [200] (3) Execute judgment on the poor and the orphan, justify the oppressed and needy,[201] (4) deliver the poor and needy, save them from the hand of evildoers. 5 They do not know, they do not understand, they walk in darkness: all the foundations of the earth tremble. (6) I thought you were angels,203 sons of the Most High, all of you. 7 But you will die as a man, you will fall as one of the princes. (8) Arise, O Almighty, judge the earth, for you will inherit all nations.
