Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

(1) Praise God! I will thank God with all my heart in the counsel of the honest and in the assembly. (2) Great are the creatures of God—they are required by all who desire them. (3) Glory and splendor are His works, His justice shall endure for ever. (4) He has made a memory of His miracles, for God is generous and merciful. (5) He gave food to those who fear him, and he will remember his covenant for ever. (6) He communicated the power of his creatures to his people, that he might give them the inheritance of the nations. (7) The works of his hands are truth and justice, and all his commandments are true. (8) They are established for all eternity, they are built on truth and justice. (9) He has sent deliverance to His people, He has commanded His covenant for ever, and His name is holy and dreadful. (10) The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom: all those who do [His commandments] are wise. His glory will endure forever.


(1) Praise God. Happy is the man who fears God and passionately loves His commandments. (2) His descendants will be the heroes on earth, an honest and blessed generation. (3) Abundance and riches are in his house, his righteousness will endure for ever. (4) The light of the honest will shine in the darkness – he is generous, and merciful, and righteous. (5) A good man is merciful, and a giver who does his business justly. (6) For he will never waver, for the righteous will remain in eternal memory. (7) He will not be afraid of bad news, for his heart is sure that he trusts in God. (8) His heart is firm, and he is not afraid, so that he sees his enemies (defeated). (9) He has squandered, he has given to the poor, his righteousness endures forever, and he will be exalted in glory. (10) If the evildoer sees it, he will become furious, gnash his teeth and faint. The lust of evildoers will perish.


(1) Praise God! Praise, servants of God, praise the name of God! (2) Blessed be the name of God from now on and forever! (3) From sunrise to sunset, the name of God is glorified! (4) God is exalted above all nations, and his glory is above the heavens. (5) Who is like God, our Almighty, who dwells in the highs, (6) who lowers his gaze to heaven and earth? (7) He lifts up the poor man from the ground, he exalts the beggar from the dung, (8) to sit him down with the princes, with the princes of his people. (9) He makes the barren woman a mother in the house, and she rejoices in the children! Praise God!


(1) When Israel came out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from among a foreign-speaking people, (2) Judah became His holiness, and Israel became His possession. 3 The sea saw and fled, and the Jordan turned back. (4) The mountains leaped like rams, the hills like lambs. (5) What is the matter with you, O sea, that you have fled, and you, Jordan, why have you turned back? (6) Mountains, why did you jump like rams, and you, hills, like lambs? (7) At the face of the Lord the earth trembled, at the face of the Almighty (God) Yaakov, (8) who turns a rock into a lake of water, and a flint into a fountain of water.


(1) Not to us, O God, not to us, but to Thy name give glory for the sake of Thy mercy, for the sake of Thy truth. Why do the nations say, "Where is their Almighty?" (3) Our Almighty in heaven does whatever He wills. (4) And their idols are of silver and gold, the works of human hands. (5) Their lips do not speak, their eyes do not see. (6) They have ears, but they do not hear, they have nostrils, but they do not smell. (7) They have hands, but they do not touch, they have legs, but they do not walk, they do not utter their voices with their throats. (8) Let those who make them be like them, everyone who trusts in them. (9) Israel, trust in God! He is salvation and stronghold! (10) House of Aharon, trust in God! He is salvation and stronghold! (11) You who revere God, trust in God! He is salvation and stronghold! (12) God, remembering us, will bless us. He will bless the house of Israel, He will bless the house of Aharon. (13) He will bless those who revere God, small and large. (14) God will multiply you again and again, you and your children. (15) Blessed are you in the sight of God, who created the heavens and the earth. (16) The heavens, the heavens of God, and the earth he gave to the sons of men. (17) It is not the dead who praise God, nor those who go down to the grave. (18) But we will bless God from now on and forever. Praise God!