Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse


(1) The Song of Ascent. Remember, God, David, and all. his grief. (2) As he swore to God, he made a vow to the mighty [God] of Yaakov: (3) "I will not enter the tent of my house, nor will I ascend my couch, (4) I will not let my eyes sleep, my eyelids slumber, (5) until I find a place for God, a dwelling place for the mighty [God] of Jacob." 6 Behold, we heard of him in Ephrata, and found him in a wooded region. (7) Let us go to His abode, let us worship His footstool. (8) Arise, O God, in the place of your rest, you and the ark of your might! (9) Your priests will be clothed with righteousness, and your godly ones will sing. (10) For the sake of David, your servant, do not reject the face of your anointed. (11) God swore to David that the truth would not depart from it: "From the fruit of your womb I will sit on your throne. (12) If your sons keep my covenant and my testimony, which I teach them, then their sons will sit on your throne forever." (13) For God has chosen Zion and desired to make it his abode: (14) "This is my rest forever, and I will dwell here, for I have desired it. (15) I will bless his food, and I will feed his poor with bread. (16) I will clothe his priests with salvation, and his pious will rejoice. (17) There I will magnify David, I will prepare a lamp for my anointed. (18) I will put shame on his enemies, and his crown will shine on him."


(1) The Song of David's Ascent. That's how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to be together! (2) Like the precious oil on the head, flowing down on the beard, the beard of Aharon dripping down on the hems of his garment, (3) like the dew of Hermon flowing down on the mountains of Zion. For there God commanded a blessing: life for ever.


(1) The Song of Ascent. Now, bless God, all the servants of God standing in the House of God at night. (2) Lift up your hands in holiness and bless God. (3) God will bless you from Zion, who created the heavens and the earth.


(1) Praise God! Praise the name of God! Praise, servants of God, (2) standing in the House of God, in the courts of the House of our Almighty, (3) glorify God, for God is good! Sing to his name, for it is pleasant, (4) for God has chosen Jacob for himself, and Israel for his treasure. (5) For I have come to know that God our Lord is great, above all powers. (6) Whatever God wills, God will do in heaven and earth, in the seas and in all the deeps. (7) He lifts up clouds from the ends of the earth, creates lightning in the rain, brings the wind out of his storehouses. (8) He who smote the firstborn of Egypt, from man to beast, (9) who sent signs and miraculous manifestations in the midst of you, O Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants, (10) who smote many nations and put to death mighty kings: (11) Sihon king of Amorium, and Og king of Bashan, and all the states of Canaan, (12) and gave their land as an inheritance, as an inheritance to Israel, to His people. (13) God! Thy Name endureth for ever. God! The memory of Thee from generation to generation. (14) For God will do justice to his people, and he will have pity on his servants. (15) The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the works of human hands. (16) Their mouths are not speaking, their eyes are blind, (17) their ears are not hearing, and there is no breath in their mouths. (18) Let those who make them be like them, everyone who trusts in them. (19) House of Israel, bless God! House of Aharon, bless God! (20) House Levi, bless God! You who revere God, bless God! (21) Blessed be the God of Zion who dwells in Jerusalem! Praise God!


(1) Give thanks to God, for he is good, for his mercy endures for ever. (2) Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for His mercy endures forever. (3) Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his mercy endures forever. (4) He who works great miracles alone, for his mercy endures forever. (5) He created the heavens wisely, for his mercy endures for ever. (6) He who stretches out the earth over the waters, for his mercy endures forever. (7) Him who made great lights, for his mercy endures forever, (8) the sun is to rule by day, for his mercy is forever, (9) the moon and the stars are to rule by night, for his mercy is forever. (10) He who smote the Egyptians with their firstborn, for his mercy endures forever. (11) And he brought Israel out from among them, for his mercy endures forever. (12) With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, for his mercy endures forever. (13) He who cut the Red Sea into pieces, for His mercy endures forever. (14) And Israel led Israel in the midst of it, for his mercy endures for ever. (15) He threw Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea, for his mercy endures forever. (16) He who led his people through the wilderness, for his mercy endures forever. (17) He who smote great kings, for his mercy endures forever. (18) And he has put mighty kings to death, for his mercy endures forever. (19) Sihon, king of the Amorians, for his mercy endures for ever. (20) And Og, king of Bashan, for his mercy endures forever. (21) And he gave their land as an inheritance, for his mercy endures forever. (22) For an inheritance to Israel her servant, for her mercy endures forever. (23) He who in our humiliation remembered us, for his mercy endures forever. (24) And he has delivered us from our enemies, for his mercy endures forever. (25) He gives bread to all flesh, for his mercy endures forever. (26) Give thanks to the Almighty (God) of heaven, for His mercy endures forever.