Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse


(1) David. Blessed be God, my stronghold, who teaches my hands to battle, my fingers to battle. (2) [He] is my mercy and my bulwark, my refuge and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I trust; He subdues my people to me. (3) God! What is man, that you know about him, that you are the son of man, that you pay attention to him? (4) Man is like a breath, his days are like a passing shadow. (5) God! Bow down Thy heavens, and go down, touch the mountains, and they shall smoke. (6) Flash the lightning and scatter them, shoot your arrows and scatter them. (7) Send your hands from on high, deliver me and save me from many waters, from the hands of foreigners, (8) whose lips speak vain, whose right hand is the right hand of lies. (9) Almighty, I will sing a new song to Thee, I will play Thee on a ten-stringed lyre. (10) Who gives salvation to kings, who delivers David his servant from the fierce sword. (11) Deliver me and save me from the hands of strangers, whose lips speak vain, whose right hand is the right hand of lies. (12) For our sons are like saplings that have grown in their youth, and our daughters are like elaborately carved pillars in palaces. (13) Our barns are full, abundant in all kinds of grain, and our sheep multiply by thousands and myriads in our fields. (14) Our oxen are fat, and there is no break-in, no loss, and no wailing in our streets. (15) Happy are the people who have everything like this. Happy is the people whose God is the Almighty.


(1) The praise of David. I will exalt Thee, O my Almighty, Lord, I will bless Thy name for ever and ever. (2) Every day I will bless you, I will praise your name forever and ever. (3) God is great and highly praised, his greatness is inscrutable. (4) From generation to generation they will glorify Thy creatures, and proclaim Thy might. (5) Of the splendor of the glory of thy majesty and of thy wonders I speak. (6) The power of your terrible deeds will be spoken of, but I will proclaim your greatness. (7) The memory of Thy great goodness will be pronounced, and Thy justice will be sung. (8) God is merciful and merciful, long-suffering and great in mercy. (9) God is good to all, his mercy is upon all his creatures. (10) All your creatures will thank you, O God, and your godly ones will bless you. (11) The glory of your kingdom will be proclaimed, spoken of your might, (12) to proclaim to the children of men his mighty works, of the glorious splendor of his kingdom. (13) Your kingdom is the kingdom of all ages, your dominion is in all generations. (14) God sustains all those who fall, and straightens up all those who are bent. (15) All eyes are fixed on You, and You give them their food at the right time. (16) You open your hand and feed all living things according to his desire. (17) God is righteous in all his ways, godly in all his works. (18) God is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth. (19) He fulfills the desire of those who revere Him, and He hears their cry and saves them. (20) God preserves all those who love him, but he will destroy all evildoers. (21) The praise of God is spoken by my lips, and all flesh will bless the name of his holiness forever and ever.


(1) Praise God! Praise God, O my soul. (2) I will praise God as long as I live, I will sing to my Almighty as long as I exist. (3) Do not put your trust in princes, in the son of man, who cannot help. (4) His spirit will go out, he will return to his land, and on that day [all] his thoughts will disappear. (5) Happy is the one to whom Ya'akov's Almighty [God] helps, who has hope in God his Almighty, (6) Who created the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, who forever preserves the truth, (7) Who executes judgment on the oppressed, who gives bread to the hungry. God chains the prisoners. (8) God opens the eyes of the blind, God straightens the bent, God loves the righteous. (9) God preserves the strangers, supports the fatherless and the widow, but twists the way of evildoers. (10) God will reign forever, your Almighty, Zion, from generation to generation. Praise God!


(1) Хвалите Бога, ибо хорошо петь Всесильному нашему, ибо приятна хвала подобающая. (2) Восстанавливает Бог Иерусалим, изгнанников Израиля собирает. (3) Сокрушенных сердцем исцеляет Он, врачует скорби их. (4) Исчисляет количество звезд: всех их по имени называет. (5) Велик Господь наш, могуч силой, мудрость Его неизмерима. (6) Смиренных ободряет Бог, злодеев унижает до земли. (7) Пойте громко благодарение Богу, играйте Всесильному нашему на арфе. (8) Тому, Кто небеса покрывает тучами, дождь для земли готовит, на горах траву растит. (9) Дает Он животному пищу его, птенцам ворона, когда они взывают. (10) Не к силе коня благоволит Он, не [быстроту] ног человеческих желает. (11) Желает Бог благоговею щих пред Ним, уповающих на милосердие Его. (12) Славь, Иерусалим, Бога, хвали, Сион, Весильного твоего, (13) ибо Он укрепляет затворы ворот твоих, благословляет сынов твоих среди тебя. (14) Утверждает в пределах твоих мир, туком пшеницы насыщает тебя. (15) Посылает речь Свою на землю: быстро слово Его бежит. (16) Снег дает, подобно шерсти, иней, словно пепел рассыпает. (17) Бросает лед Свой кусками, перед морозом Его кто устоит? (18) [Но] пошлет Он слово Свое – и все растает, обратит Он ветер Свой – потекут воды. (19) Возвестил Он слова Свои Яакову, уставы и законы Свои – Израилю. (20) Не сделал Он того никакому [другому] народу, и законов [Его] они не знают. Славьте Бога!
