A guide to the study of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament. The Four Gospels.
AVERKY (Taushev A. P.) (1906-1976), Russian church figure, theologian, spiritual writer, Archbishop of Syracuse and Holy Trinity. One of the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville (USA) in 1960-76. He is the author of the books "The Herald of God's Punishment on the Russian People" (1964), "Modernity in the Light of the Word of God. Words and Speeches".
orthodoxy, Christ, gospel, good news, Word, apostles ru Vladimir Schneider http://www.ccel.org/contrib/ru/xml/index.html FB Editor v2.0, XML Spy, FictionBook Editor Release 2.6 March 2003, December 2008 http://www.holytrinitymission.org/books/russian/chetveroevangelie_averky.zip C003ABD1-D019-410B-8EB9-D87F2CAAE5C0 2.1
Archbishop Averky
Study Guide
Holy Scripture
of the New Testament
The Four Gospels
The Coming into the World and Adolescence of the Lord Jesus Christ
Preface to the Gospel: Its Certainty and Purpose. The pre-eternal birth and incarnation of the Son of God. The Conception of the Forerunner of Christ John. The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The meeting of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Elizabeth. The Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh. Christmas. Revelation to the betrothed Joseph of the mysteries of the Incarnation. Circumstances of the Nativity of Christ. Circumcision and Meeting of the Lord. Adoration of the Magi. Flight into Egypt and the Massacre of the Innocents. The Boyhood of Jesus Christ.
The Savior's Public Ministry
John the Baptist and his testimony about the Lord Jesus Christ. The Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ. Forty-day fasting and temptation from the devil. The First Disciples of Christ. The first miracle at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.