Heeding the voice of the prophets

Захария (2 Пар 24.20)

Неназванный пророк (3 Цар 20.13)

Неназванный пророк (4 Цар 9.4)

«Сыны пророческие» (3 Цар 19.10)

Одед (2 Пар 28.9)

Полный список упоминания ветхозаветных пророков в Священном Писании

Имя пророка Годы Цари, правившие в это время в Книги Ветхого и Нового Завета Иудее Израиле Вавилоне / Персии Самуил 71075- 1035 Саул 1      Цар 1.1–28.20; 1 Пар.9.19- 23, 11.1–3, 26.25–28, 29.29–30; (Samuel) 2      Пар 35.1–19; 2 Езд 1.1–22; Пс 98.5; Сир 46.16–23; Иер 15.1; 3 Езд 7.33–41; Деян 3.12–24, 13.16–20; Евр 11.32–40 Нафан ок. 1000- 960 Давид, Соломон 2 Цар7.1–17, 12.1–25; 3 Цар 1.1–46; 1 Пар 17.1–15, 29.29; 2 Пар 9.29, 29.25; Пс 50, Сир 47.1 (Nathan) Гад (Gad) ок. 1000- 960 Давид, Соломон 1 Цар 22.5; 2 Цар 24.1–25; 1 Пар 21.1–30, 29.29; 2 Пар 29.25 Илья ок.870- 850 Аса, Ахав, Охозия 3 Цар 17.1–4 Цар 2.18; 4 Цар 9.36–37, 10.10–17; 2 Пар 21.4–15; Сир 48.1–12; Мал 4.4- 6; 1 Мак 2.58; 3 Езд 7.36–39; Мф 11.12–15, 16.13–16, 17.1–13, 27.45–50; Мк 6.14–15, 8.27–29, 9.1–13, 15.34–37; Лк 1.13–17, 4.23–30, 9.7–9, 18–20, 28–36, 51- 56; Ин 1.19–27; Иак 5.16–18; Рим 11.1–5 (Elijah) Иосафат Елисей ок.850- 785 Иософат, Иорам, Ииуй, Иоахаз, Иоас 3 Цар 19.1 — 4 Цар 13.21; Сир 48.12–16; Лк 4.23–30 (Elisha) Иорам, Охозия, Гофолия, Иоас, Амасия Иоиль 810(?) — 750 Иоас, Иоахаз, 4 Цар 11.1–15.7; 2 Пар 9.29; 3 Езд 1.38–40; Деян 2.16 (Joel) Амасия, Иоас, Азария Иеровоам II, Захария Амос ок.760 Амасия Иеровоам II 4 Цар 14.23; 15.7; Тов 2.6; 3 Езд 1.38–40 (Amos) Иона ок.760 Амасия Иеровоам II 4 Цар 14.23–29; Тов 14.4–8; 3 Мак 6.6; 3 Езд 1.38–40; Мф 12.39–41, 16.4; Лк 11.29–32 (Jonah) Осия 760–722 Амасия, Азария, Иоафам, Ахаз Иерово–ам II, 4 Цар 14.23–37; 3 Езд 1.38- 40; Рим 9.25 (Hosea) Захария, Факия, Селлум, Осия, Менаим Михей 742–687 Иофам, Факия, Факей, Осия 3 Цар 22.8–28; 4 Цар 15.32- 20.21; 2 Пар 18.7–27, 27.1- 32.33; Ис 7.1–8.22; Иер 26.17–19, 36.1 1–13; 3 Езд 1 38 10 (Micah) Ахаз, Езекия Исайя 740–700 Азария, Иофам, Ахаз, Езекия Факия, Факей, Осия 4 Цар 15.1–20.21; 2 Пар 26.1- 32.33; Сир 48.21–25; 3 Езд 1.38–40; Мф 3.3, 4.14, 8.17, 12.17, 13.14, 15.7; Мк 7.6; Лк 3.3–6, 4.17; Ин 1.23, 12.37–41; Деян 8.28–30, 28.25; Рим 10.16–20, 15.12 (Isaiah) Наум между 664 и 612 Осия 4 Цар 22.1–23.30; 2 Пар.34.1- 36.1; 3 Езд 1.38–40 (Nahum) Софония до 640 Осия 4 Цар 22.1–23.34; 2 Пар 34.1- 36.4; 3 Езд 1.38–40 (Zphaniah) Иеремия 626–587 Осия, 4 Цар 22.1–25.30; 2 Пар 34.1–36.21; Дан 9.1–2; 1 Езд 1.1; 2 Мак 2.1–9, 15.13–16; 2 Езд 1.28–2.1; Сир 49.8–9; 3 Езд 2.18; Мф 2.17–18, 16.13- 19, 27.3–10 (Jeremiah) Иохаз, Иоаким, Иехония, Седекия Аввакум ок. 605 Иоаким 4 Цар 23.31–24.7; Дан 14.33- 39; 3 Езд 1.38–40 (Habakkuk) Даниил 605–535 Иехония, Седекия Навуходоносор, Валтасар, Дарий, Кир 4 Цар 24.1–25.30; 2 Пар 36.5- 23; Иез 14.12–23, 28.1–8; 1 Мак 2.27–64; 3 Мак 6.6; Мф 24.15–19 (Daniel) Иезекииль 593–570 Навуходоносор 4 Цар.24.8–25.26; 2 Пар 36.9- 21; Сир 49.10–11 (Ezekiel) Авдий до 587 (?) Навуходоносор 4 Цар 25; 2 Пар 36.11- 21; 3 Езд 1.38–40 (Obadiah) Аггей 520 Дарий Езд 5.1–6.22; 2 Езд 6.1, 7.3; 3 Езд 1.38–40 (Haggai) Захария до 520 перед Дарием Езд 5.1–6.22; 2 Езд 6.1, 7.3; 3 Езд 1.38–40; Ис 8.1–4; Мф 23.34–36; Лк 11.49–52 (Zechariah) Малахия ок. 433 Артаксеркс 1 Неем 13; 3 Езд 1.38–40 (Malachi)

The main themes of the Old Testament prophecies

Reproof and consolation are the universal direction of the content of any prophecy. However, the content of the prophetic books is not limited to this. In the prophetic and other books of the Old Testament that contain the words of prophecy, one can see an incredible variety of rebukes and consolations relating to various topics.

It is impossible to make an exhaustive list of all the prophetic themes in the Old Testament. The Bible is the word of God, which is as inexhaustible as the life itself that He created. At the same time, the depth and infinity of meaning, as well as the variety of topics of just one book of the Bible, are no less than in its entire corpus.

However, for those who are beginning to study the prophecies of the Old Testament for the first time, it will be useful to experience the variety of prophetic topics.

The following are 26 major themes often found in Old Testament prophecies (with one example for each topic).

God Himself

"Therefore, shepherds, hear the word of the Lord. I live! saith the Lord God; Because My sheep were forsaken, My sheep were made to be plundered, and without a shepherd, the food of every beast of the field, and My shepherds, seek not My sheep, and shepherds feed yourselves, but do not feed My sheep, ~ therefore, shepherds, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I ~ am against the shepherds, and I will seek my sheep out of their hand, and I will give them no more to feed the sheep, and the shepherds shall no more feed themselves, and I will pluck my sheep out of their jaws, and they shall not be their food. For thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I myself will find my sheep, and I will examine them. As a shepherd trusts his flock in the day when he is in the midst of his scattered flock, so will I examine my sheep, and will release them from all the places where they were scattered, in a day of clouds and darkness. And I will bring them out of the nations, and I will gather them out of the countries, and I will bring them into their land, and I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, on the left, by the streams, and in all the inhabited places of the earth. I will feed them in a good pasture, and their corral will be on the high mountains of Israel; there they will rest in a good paddock and graze in the rich pasture, on the mountains of Israel. I will feed my sheep, and I will give them rest, saith the Lord God, I will seek out those who are lost, and I will bring back those who are driven away, and I will bind up those who are wounded, and I will strengthen the sick, and I will destroy those who are fat and violent. I will feed them in righteousness" (Ezekiel 34:7-16).