How to Read the Bible

23 Those who eat me will still hunger, and those who drink me will still thirst.

24 He who hears me will not be ashamed, and those who labor with me will not sin.

25 All this is the covenant book of the Most High God,

26 the law which Moses commanded as an inheritance to the hosts of Jacob.

27 He feasts with wisdom, like Pishon, and like the Tiger in the days of novelty;

28 he filleth with understanding, as the Euphrates, and as the Jordan in the days of the harvest;

29 he pours out the doctrine as light, and as Gion in the grape gathering.

30 The first man did not attain to the full knowledge of it; neither does the latter investigate it;

31 For her thoughts are fuller than the sea, and her intentions are deeper than the great deep.

E-32 And I, like a canal out of the river, and like a water pipe, went out into paradise.

33 I said, 'I will water my garden and water my beds.'

34 And behold, my canal became a river, and my river became a sea.

35 And I will shine with doctrine as with the morning light, and I will manifest it far off;

36 And I will pour out the doctrine as prophecy, and I will leave it for everlasting generations."

37 You see that I have labored not for myself alone, but for all who seek wisdom.


1 With three I adorned myself, and became beautiful in the sight of the Lord and men;

2 This is like-mindedness among brethren, and love among neighbours, and wife and husband living in harmony with each other.

3 And my soul hath hated three kinds of men, and their life is very abhorrent to me:

4 a haughty beggar, a lying rich man, and an old adulterer, weakening in reason.

5 What thou hast not gathered in thy youth, how then can thou gain in thy old age?