How to Read the Bible

1 Аллилуия Хвалите, рабы Господни, хвалите имя Господне. 2 Да будет имя Господне благословенно отныне и вовек. 3 От восхода солнца до запада да будет прославляемо имя Господне. 4 Высок над всеми народами Господь; над небесами слава Его. 5 Кто, как Господь, Бог наш, Который, обитая на высоте, 6 приклоняется, чтобы призирать на небо и на землю; 7 из праха поднимает бедного, из брения возвышает нищего, 8 чтобы посадить его с князьями, с князьями народа его; 9 неплодную вселяет в дом матерью, радующеюся о детях? Аллилуия!

1 Я радуюсь, что Господь услышал голос мой, моление мое; 2 приклонил ко мне ухо Свое, и потому буду призывать Его во все дни мои. 3 Объяли меня болезни смертные, муки адские постигли меня; я встретил тесноту и скорбь. 4 Тогда призвал я имя Господне: Господи! избавь душу мою. 5 Милостив Господь и праведен, и милосерд Бог наш. 6 Хранит Господь простодушных: я изнемог, и Он помог мне. 7 Возвратись, душа моя, в покой твой, ибо Господь облагодетельствовал тебя. 8 Ты избавил душу мою от смерти, очи мои от слез и ноги мои от преткновения. 9 Буду ходить пред лицем Господним на земле живых.

Основой библейского учения об обществе является исповедание веры в Бога как единственного истинного Царя. Человек со всем, что он совершает и чем живет, принадлежит Творцу. Нет никакой области существования людей, которая не была бы подвластна Богу. В истории это Царство Божие находится в становлении. Полностью оно осуществится лишь в конце времен.

Пс 28. Сыны Божий здесь ангелы. Псалом говорит о космической власти Творца. 46 и 66. Ягве — Владыка всех народов земли. 95. Провозглашение Царства Господня всему миру. Псалом, возможно, написан Исайей Вторым или под его влиянием. 97—98. Величие вселенского Царства Ягве. 112. Бог — Царь всех народов. 114. Вечность Царства Божия.

7. True worship. Yahweh is the God of righteousness and mercy (Psalm 49, 74, 81, 102)

These psalms echo the preaching of the prophets of the eighth and sixth centuries and teach that true service to God cannot be limited to rituals, for its basis is faithfulness to the moral precepts of Revelation.

1 Psalm of Asaph. The God of Gods, the Lord has spoken and called the earth, from the rising of the sun to the setting of the earth. 2 From Zion, which is the height of beauty, God appears, 3 our God comes, and not in silence: before him is a consuming fire, and around him is a mighty storm. 4 He calls heaven and earth from above to judge His people: 5 "Gather together unto Me My saints, who have made covenant with Me at the sacrifice." 6 And the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is this judge. 7 "Hear, my people, I will speak; Israel! I will bear witness against you: I am God, your God. 8 It is not for thy sacrifices that I will reproach thee; thy burnt offerings are always before me; 9 I will not receive a bull out of your house, nor a goat out of your courts, 10 For I am all the beasts in the forest, and the cattle in a thousand mountains, 11 I know all the birds in the mountains, and the animals in the fields before me. 12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that fills it. 13 Do I eat the flesh of oxen, and drink the blood of goats? 14 Offer praise to God as a sacrifice, and render thy vows unto the Most High, 15 and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me." 16 And God saith unto the sinner, Why dost thou preach my statutes, and take my covenant in thy mouth? 17 and yet thou hate my instruction, and cast my words for thyself? 18 And when thou seest a thief, thou hast controversy with him, and hast associated with adulterers; 19 Thou hast opened thy mouth to reproach, and thy tongue weaveth deceit; 20 You sit and speak against your brother, you slander your mother's son; 21 Thou didst do this, and I was silent; you thought I was just like you. I will expose thee, and set thy sins before thy eyes. 22 Consider this, you who forget God, lest I rapture, and there shall be no one who delivers. 23 He that sacrificeth praise honours me, and he that watcheth his way shall I shew unto him the salvation of God."


1 To the head of the choir. Do not ruin. Psalm of Asaph. Canto. 2 We praise thee, O God, we praise thee, for thy name is near; declare Thy wonders. 3 "When I choose the time, I will execute judgment in righteousness. 4 The earth is shaken, and all that dwell in it: I will establish its pillars." 5 I say to the foolish, 'Do not be foolish,' and to the wicked, 'Do not lift up your horns,6 do not lift up your horns, do not speak stiff-necked,' 7 for the exaltation is not from the east, nor from the west, nor from the wilderness, 8 but God is the judge: he humbles the one, and exalts the other; 9 for the cup is in the hand of the Lord, the wine boils in it, full of confusion, and he pours out of it. Even its yeast will squeeze and drink all the wicked lands. 10 But I will proclaim for ever, I will sing praises to the God of Jacob, 11 I will break all the horns of the wicked, and the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.


1 Psalm of Asaph. God became in the assembly of gods; In the midst of the gods he pronounced judgment: 2 How long will you judge unrighteously, and show partiality to the wicked? 3 Give judgment to the poor and the fatherless; do justice to the oppressed and the poor; 4 deliver the poor and needy; pluck it out of the hand of the wicked. 5 They do not know, they do not understand, they walk in darkness; All the foundations of the earth are shaking. 6 I said, You are gods, and the sons of the Most High are all of you; 7 but ye shall die as men, and fall as every prince. 8 Arise, O God, judge the earth, for thou art the heir of all nations.