How to Read the Bible

21 The Lord hath rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanliness of my hands hath rewarded me,

22 for I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not been wicked before my God;

23 For all his commandments are before me, and I have not departed from his statutes.

24 I was blameless before him, and took heed lest I should sin;

25 And the Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanliness of my hands in his sight.

26 Thou doest mercy to the merciful, to the sincere man sincerely,

27 With the pure is pure, but with the wicked according to his wickedness,

28 For thou hast saved the oppressed, and hast humbled the eyes of the haughty.

29 Thou kindest my lamp, O Lord; My God enlightens my darkness.

30 With thee I smite the army, with my God I ascend the wall.

E-31 God! "His way is blameless, the word of the Lord is pure; He is a shield for all who trust in Him.

32 For who is God but the Lord, and who is the protection but our God?

33 God girds me with strength, and makes me the right way;

34 He maketh my feet like deer's, and sets me up in my high places;

35 He teaches my hands to fight, and my arms break the bow of brass.

36 Thou hast given me the shield of thy salvation, and thy right hand upholds me, and thy mercy magnifies me.

37 Thou hast widened my pace under me, and my feet do not waver.

38 I pursue my enemies, and overtake them, and I do not return until I have destroyed them;

39 I smite them, and they are not able to rise, they fall under my feet,

40 For thou hast girded me with strength for war, and hast put under my feet those who rise up against me;

41 Thou hast turned the rear of my enemies to me, and I destroy them that hate me.