«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

In 2004, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Andrei Loginov, convinced me that identification microchips would be used only for certain categories of citizens in connection with their professional activities and only at their request, with their voluntary consent.

Official documents have already been published, which provide recommendations and specific deadlines for the introduction of implantable electronic identification devices into the daily life of all people without exception as a new way of human existence in a single global information society.

Today, prominent Russian and foreign scientists in the field of information technology and computer security, military sciences, psychology and genetics, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, well-known religious and public figures speak about the threats of turning humanity into a controlled "biomass". Their authoritative testimonies, as well as irrefutable facts and documents, are presented in the pages of this book.

After all, the owners and operators of global and regional information and control networks will have absolute power over people who recklessly entered the new identification system. We are talking here, first of all, about the spiritual enslavement of man by occult forces.

In the official documents of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopted at the sessions of the Holy Synod and at the Bishops' Councils of 2000, 2004 and 2008, it is repeatedly stated that total control over the individual and his management are inadmissible. Excerpts from these documents are also given on the pages of the book.

In the discussion at the above-mentioned teleconference, with God's help, I was able to show the colossal dangers that the construction of a global "electronic paradise" brings to every person, and to defend the position of opponents of the implantation of electronic devices in the human body and brain.

The TV presenter, who at the beginning of the program tried to present the implantation of microchips in people as a "great blessing" and "the next stage of progress", at the end of the program thoughtfully said: "As long as these chips have not yet been implanted in us, dear friends, while we are still people, not robots, and someone does not turn the control stick, we can make our own decisions, as it should be... »

I hope that the work offered to the reader will serve as another warning for everyone and will not leave anyone indifferent. It's time to be sober and awake. This is not the time to be silent, but the time to act. Tomorrow it will be too late...

The processes of globalization are inexorably leading to the construction of a global technotronic dictatorship headed by a single political and religious leader, unprecedented in the history of mankind. This is already quite obvious.

One of the first hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church gave a true spiritual assessment of what is happening by His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail, Doctor of Theology, a permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. His well-known words and speeches were invaluable to me in my work on the book. Personal communication with Vladyka also helped, which made it possible to discuss many difficult issues. For which I offer my heartfelt gratitude and ask all readers to pray for the health of this remarkable archpastor, a true patriot of Russia.

Valery Filimonov

Due to the exceptional importance of the objects and phenomena considered in the book, the text uses the Church Slavonic words "mir" and "mir", expressing various concepts:

"World" — 1) humanity, living a carnal, material life, according to the principles of egoism and sensuality; 2) the totality of sinful passions; 3) everything that opposes the spiritual kingdom of Christ; 4) the globe, the planet, the environment, the universe.

"Peace" — 1) peace with God, unity with Him, God's bright world of angels and righteous men; 2) a state of indestructible internal and external well-being; 3) peace with conscience, peace of mind; 4) friendly harmony between people, the absence of strife, enmity or war.