«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Back in 1992, at the 1st International Informatization Forum, with the active participation of the Russian delegation, the "Information Convention of a Single World Locally Distributed Information and Cellular Community — a New Information and Space Civilization" was adopted3. This convention is a UN policy document that "determines the development of the world community" for the near future. Behind the scientific title of the document is skillfully concealed its occult essence, which is truly hostile to the Orthodox worldview.

Here are just some excerpts from this "convention ... » with brief comments:

"Information is the primary foundation of the world. Information is inside us and outside of us. Everything that surrounds us, everywhere and everywhere is information... A single information world consists not only of space, nature, but also of society. The consciousness of society belongs to the information world of the Universe...

The main direction of the development of a single world information and cellular community is to ensure the transition to... to the ultimate goal of mankind – the information and space civilization"4.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33), the Saviour commands His followers, but there is no place for God in the minds of the authors of the document. The creator of all things visible and invisible is replaced by "information." Hence the ultimate goal of human life – not in the acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God, not in the salvation of the soul for eternal life, but in the creation of a kind of "information-cosmic civilization", the anti-Christian essence of which is beyond doubt. "Those who do not seek the Kingdom of God first of all are clearly opposed to the Word of God," writes a man of truly holy life, the recluse of Zadonsk, Georgy Alekseevich Mashurin5. Thus, the compilers of the "Informationological Convention..." were undoubtedly guided by the spirit of the Antichrist of this world, the spirit of eternal perdition, which brings down the people who accepted it into the abysses of hell.

Further in the text, "the convention ... " we read: "In the information society, there is no division of people into workers, peasants, intellectuals, employees, and so on; There are no divisions on racial and national grounds: all people are free informational personalities... A person finds true freedom only in the information and cellular society (ISO)... In the IDF there is no legislative power, no executive power, no judicial power... There is only one power in the universe and on the planet—the power of information..."6

So, the authors of the "convention..." They propose to create a kind of gray race of people deprived of family, national and cultural roots. At the same time, they are modestly silent about how the "power of information" governing this herd of "common people" will be exercised. Who will be the behind-the-scenes puppeteer of the inhabitants of the "information-cellular paradise"? There is no doubt that this "only power in the world" will be based on the latest technologies of psychotronic processing of people's consciousness. In this way, a person will receive "true freedom" not in Christ, but in a demonic network society. Again there is a discrepancy – the Word of God teaches us otherwise: "Stand therefore in the freedom which Christ has given us, and do not again be subjected to the yoke of slavery" (Gal. 5:1).

Let's return to the text of the "convention": "In ISO, first borders, and then states (as such) will disappear. Over time, everyone will call the planet Earth their single homeland... In ISO, the unit of structure is taken as a territorial self-governing division — information and cellular. A honeycomb is a territory with a population of several tens to 20 thousand people... Optimal cells with a population of 10 to 20 thousand people..."7

Here is an image of a new Babylon built according to the Gulag concentration camp system, which, on average, also held from 10 to 20 thousand prisoners. Lifetime (and posthumous) camp numbers are proposed to be accepted voluntarily and forcibly right now. More on this will be discussed below.

And again, the text of this manifesto of the builders of the "global electronic paradise": "People in honeycombs and honeycombs interact with each other on the basis of radio telecommunications, timely and reliable information... Information networks for each member of society will be a source of information resources, self-discipline, self-organization, self-management, a source of high moral morality and order in each cell... In ISO, information becomes, like air for birds and water for fish, a world information basin for every member of society..."8

So, they won't let you run far from the honeycomb. Every "free" person should sit in his cell and chew informational and narcotic gum, accepting the images that the system imposes on him. People will "swim" in the "pool" of virtual reality, forgetting about reality, forgetting about God. The "source of high moral morality" will not be the commandments of the Holy Gospel, but the universal information networks. If modern television and the press are actively used for mass dumbing down and zombification of people, then one can only imagine what "reliable information" will be pumped into the inhabitants of the information and cellular society through the information networks of the new generation!

What will happen next can be seen from the following: "In ISO, there is a free movement of information, labor resources, products. There will be no money. Information and reference banks will replace money banks. Payments will be made on the basis of information and credit cards... In the information society, local protection of public order functions. In fact, it will control possible social deviations, because the expression "protect" will eventually lose its meaning due to the developed and functioning security of all cellular formations and each individual in the whole society... Information security includes elements of microbiological electronics, infrared, laser, and superbiochemical micromeans, which provide almost one hundred percent reliability and security of the individual, family, and society."9

The latter means the transition to the use of mandatory "chips" implanted in the human body and "tags" applied with the help of special technologies, which turn a free person into a "hybrid of electronic intelligence and soul", an object of manipulation or a zombified appendage of an automatically operating system... 10

Everything quoted above is not nonsense or fantasy. These are the hellish plans of the "creators" of the "new world order", which are gradually being implemented before our eyes. The pseudo-scientific document "The Information Convention..." It is studied in higher educational institutions of many countries of the world, and its crazy ideas served as the basis for the development of a number of documents of the national and international level, "revealing the main directions of the development of mankind".