«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The greatest perplexity is caused by the frivolous statements of some theologians: "The number 666 has no mystical meaning. We are not tearing page 666 out of the Bible!" ... "People are afraid of numbers. Even if there were three sixes in the barcode, there is nothing wrong with that. Six is the same number as all the others. It turns out that those who warn against the INN are not afraid of the name of the beast, but of the number itself... »

In recent years, many opinions like the above have been published in the media. Therefore, first of all, it must be said that believers are not afraid of any "sixes", but are afraid to offend the Lord God by their participation in the construction of the kingdom of Antichrist and thereby damage their salvation.

Life itself again and again refutes the erroneous assertions of theologians who have not understood the essence of the issues related to the use of anti-Christian symbolism by known forces. Essence reveals itself in phenomena, and cognition proceeds from phenomenon to essence. Suffice it to cite well-known examples. On the night of August 30-31, 2002, unknown persons burned down the church in the name of the righteous Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess in the city of Sysert, Sverdlovsk region. During the week preceding the arson, the satanic symbol "666" was applied to the temple building.105

It is a well-known fact that more than 400 tombstones were desecrated at the Miusskoye cemetery in Moscow on September 13, 2002. The Satanists tore out the crosses from the graves, turned them upside down and painted them with the same symbols - "666".

It is also well known that satanic symbols are used by the "musicians" of a number of rock bands. They sew inverted Orthodox crosses on their clothes and put the symbol "666" on it. The names of these bands speak for themselves - KISS ("Kings in the Service of Satan"), "AC/DC" ("Antichrist/Death to Christ") and the like. Satanic symbols are also necessarily depicted on the sleeves for discs and records of these rock bands.106

So, things are much more serious than theologians and theorists are trying to make it out to be. At the Serbsky State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, a group of Satanists who committed ritual murders and human sacrifices to the devil was examined. One of them told Professor F.V. Kondratiev about his first meeting with a demon: "One night, between two and three o'clock, I woke up to smoke. I feel someone standing in front of the bed... A man, and he has no eyes, a red fire burns instead. He called the numerical code... For the first time, I was scared. And then he summoned him to himself with the help of a ritual... »

The Satanist proudly shows the tattoo "666" and explains: "The Antichrist will have the same sign.

"666" is the key to the gates of hell. The Antichrist has already been born of a fallen woman... Satanists boast of the "666" tattoo for a reason. It is they who consciously prepare for the coming of the Antichrist and offer human sacrifices to Satan. This is evidenced by their terrible stories: "We went hunting after twelve at night. Only men under forty years old were chosen. They were stunned and brought to the sports club. Crucified..." Professor F.V. Kondratiev adds: "The unfortunate person was usually tied to a circle and first repeatedly stabbed with something sharp. When the blood flowed down from one side of the body, a circle was turned to achieve complete loss of blood..."107

I simply do not want to describe further details of the ritual. The group, which was called "Leviathan", included about sixty villains. They killed people on satanic "holidays". Up to five people annually. From their confessions, it became known that a number of other similar satanic groups are operating in Moscow - "Lucifer", "Abaddon" and others. They are associated with foreign Satanists from Germany, the United States and other countries. Their common symbol is the "number of the beast" – "666".108 By the way, it is well known that in the United States and Great Britain, Satanism is officially recognized as a religion. The Church of Satan is headquartered in New York City.

Some clergymen say that in the ancient and modern texts of the Apocalypse, the "number of the beast" is written not in Arabic numerals, but verbally. But is it not the same magnitude, the same meaning, the same meaning, not the same concept that denotes the verbal and numerical representation of one and the same number? The above facts unequivocally answer this question.

Who does not remember the martyrdom of the Optina monks Basil, Ferapont and Trofim on the Day of Holy Pascha in 1993? What was engraved on the sword of the Satanist murderer? The symbol "666" and the word "Satan"...

The newspaper "Izvestia" No118 of July 2, 2008 published an extensive and detailed article about the ministers of the cult of Lucifer - "The Besieged". It tells in detail about a satanic group from Belgorod, whose members practiced terrible rituals, up to human sacrifices. A man who miraculously escaped a painful death led representatives of the special services to the Satanists. Wounded, bleeding, the man found the strength and courage to escape from the hands of the torturers and jump from them from the second floor...

During the investigation, FSB operatives found the headquarters of the Satanists in a country house they rented, where sacrificial rites were performed by candlelight. In the dark attic there was an altar and a "Satanic Bible". The walls were hung with ritual images, including the number "666," which some clerics and theologians said had "no mystical significance." The leader of the group initiated its members into "witches" and "priests", and declared himself "the viceroy of Satan on earth and the admiral of the army of hell". For several years, these monsters offered blood sacrifices to the "true god" at their gatherings. Sometimes they cut their forearms and drank each other's blood. It should be noted once again that the described case is far from being an isolated one. The Satanists from Belgorod kept in touch with their like-minded people with the help of the World Web.