«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

"666" is the key to the gates of hell. The Antichrist has already been born of a fallen woman... Satanists boast of the "666" tattoo for a reason. It is they who consciously prepare for the coming of the Antichrist and offer human sacrifices to Satan. This is evidenced by their terrible stories: "We went hunting after twelve at night. Only men under forty years old were chosen. They were stunned and brought to the sports club. Crucified..." Professor F.V. Kondratiev adds: "The unfortunate person was usually tied to a circle and first repeatedly stabbed with something sharp. When the blood flowed down from one side of the body, a circle was turned to achieve complete loss of blood..."107

I simply do not want to describe further details of the ritual. The group, which was called "Leviathan", included about sixty villains. They killed people on satanic "holidays". Up to five people annually. From their confessions, it became known that a number of other similar satanic groups are operating in Moscow - "Lucifer", "Abaddon" and others. They are associated with foreign Satanists from Germany, the United States and other countries. Their common symbol is the "number of the beast" – "666".108 By the way, it is well known that in the United States and Great Britain, Satanism is officially recognized as a religion. The Church of Satan is headquartered in New York City.

Some clergymen say that in the ancient and modern texts of the Apocalypse, the "number of the beast" is written not in Arabic numerals, but verbally. But is it not the same magnitude, the same meaning, the same meaning, not the same concept that denotes the verbal and numerical representation of one and the same number? The above facts unequivocally answer this question.

Who does not remember the martyrdom of the Optina monks Basil, Ferapont and Trofim on the Day of Holy Pascha in 1993? What was engraved on the sword of the Satanist murderer? The symbol "666" and the word "Satan"...

The newspaper "Izvestia" No118 of July 2, 2008 published an extensive and detailed article about the ministers of the cult of Lucifer - "The Besieged". It tells in detail about a satanic group from Belgorod, whose members practiced terrible rituals, up to human sacrifices. A man who miraculously escaped a painful death led representatives of the special services to the Satanists. Wounded, bleeding, the man found the strength and courage to escape from the hands of the torturers and jump from them from the second floor...

During the investigation, FSB operatives found the headquarters of the Satanists in a country house they rented, where sacrificial rites were performed by candlelight. In the dark attic there was an altar and a "Satanic Bible". The walls were hung with ritual images, including the number "666," which some clerics and theologians said had "no mystical significance." The leader of the group initiated its members into "witches" and "priests", and declared himself "the viceroy of Satan on earth and the admiral of the army of hell". For several years, these monsters offered blood sacrifices to the "true god" at their gatherings. Sometimes they cut their forearms and drank each other's blood. It should be noted once again that the described case is far from being an isolated one. The Satanists from Belgorod kept in touch with their like-minded people with the help of the World Web.

The lair of Satanists. Operational shooting of the FSB

On September 17, 2008, almost all Russian periodicals reported the terrible news from the Yaroslavl region: "... A gang of Satanists killed four teenagers - the victims were stabbed 666 times. The number of wounds is equal to the number that devil worshippers revere.

Three girls and one boy, aged between 16 and 17, who belonged to the Goths, are believed to have been given alcohol before the attack. Then the killers, according to the investigation, lit a fire under a tree next to one of the cottages, where they fried and ate parts of the bodies of their victims. The crime was committed in Russia, 300 kilometers northeast of Moscow.

The remains of Anya Gorokhova, Olga Pukhova, Varya Kuzmina and Andrei Sorokin, who disappeared in June, were found last month."

There are already hundreds of sites on Satanism and the occult on the Internet in Russian, where the rituals of human sacrifice are described in detail. Many more facts can be cited, but it seems that the reader understands the difference between an ordinal number and a symbol that has a deep mystical meaning.

It is well known that Satanists use the symbol "666" to mock Christians and insult the religious feelings of believers.

By definition, a "symbol" is 1) a conventional identification sign for members of a certain social group, secret society, etc.; 2) a material, graphic conventional sign that serves to designate an image, concept, or idea.109