
on the Gospel of John

Part 1

Typing and processing of Victor, Jurmala.

CONVERSATION 1 (introductory). 1. Praise for the Gospel of John. Its superiority and usefulness. "Who can understand him?" — 2. St. John's Hill. — How one should listen to the Gospel. — The necessity of a certain disposition towards the Word of God. — 3. There is no need to throw shrines to dogs. — 4. A description of the moods required to hear the gospel. "We must avoid theatrical spectacles and stand firmly in unity with God and the Church. "He must have an attentive ear.

DISCOURSE 2 on Jn. 1:1. 1. External philosophers in comparison with Ev. John. His poverty and ignorance, and at the same time his incomparable superiority over the former. — 2. Barbarian peoples, having adopted Christianity, learned to be wise. — 3. Against the teachings of philosophers, and especially against the doctrine of the transmigration of souls. — 4. Why does John speak of God the Son without touching upon God the Father? "What is true wisdom?" — 5. The mind cannot think about several objects at the same time. — With what attention should the Gospel of St. John be read?

DISCOURSE 3 on Jn. 1:1. 1. On the dedication to the Lord of one of the seven days of the week. — What kind of education should be given to youth. — 2. The opinion of the heretics of the Anomaeans about God the Word. — 3 and 4. Proofs of the eternity of the Word. — 5 and 6. Against vanity. — The evil he produces. "To him they sacrifice their riches. "For his sake, they do everything to please the people. "The glory of a people is true glory. — How to deal with the crowd. "Let God alone be a spectator and praiser of good deeds.

Typing and editing by Natalia Komarova, Irkutsk.

DISCOURSE 4 on Jn. 1:1. 1. Why does St. John confine himself to a single word about the incarnation of the Son of God, while the other Evangelists expound it in detail? — Paul of Samosata and his error. — 2. What is the Word. — 3. Refutation of the heretics' objection to the Divinity of the Son, based on the fact that the Son is called God – "Theos" – without a term (article). — 4 and 5. Jesus Christ suffered and died to deliver us from idolatry. "To give a creature the reverence for God due to the Creator is extremely unjust. Faith and doctrine are useless for salvation if life and morals are corrupted. "Anger must be quenched immediately. "People praise and blame according to whether they love or hate. — The image of a man in anger. "Against those who carefully observe the hours and times.

DISCOURSE 5 on Jn. 1:3. 1. How some heretics changed the meaning of the third verse of the first chapter of the Gospel of John through a change in punctuation. — 2. Absurd conclusions to which the opinion admitted by heretics that the Holy Spirit was created leads. — 3. The Son of God is equal to his Father. — The inexhaustible fruitfulness of the Creator. "God is not a complex being. — 4. About the fact that sinners are like drunken and furious people. "It is better to walk and show oneself naked in the streets than to be covered and burdened with sins.

DISCOURSE 6 on Jn. 1:6. 1. The Messengership of John the Baptist. — Explanation of the saying: "Man was sent from God." — Why and how Christ accepts John's testimony. Learning without good works is not beneficial.

DISCOURSE 7 on Jn. 1:9. 1. One should not try to comprehend what is incomprehensible in God. — The True Doctrine of the Father and the Son. — The Foolishness of the Sabellians and Marcellians. How sins are washed away.

DISCOURSE 8 on Jn. 1:9. 1. Why Jesus Christ, being the light of truth, does not sanctify all people. — 2. The Foolishness of Paul of Samosata. — Answers to the questions of the pagans: what did Jesus Christ do before His coming, etc.? "One cannot properly strive for the heavenly by attaching oneself to the earthly. There is a great difference between the servants of Jesus Christ and the servants of mammon.

DISCOURSE 9 on Jn. 1:11. 1. Who are the "friends" who did not accept Christ: first, the Jews, who were His chosen people. Then there are other people who did not believe in Him, being His creatures. — 2. Unbelief as the cause of the blindness of the Jews; pride as the cause of their unbelief. The grace of mercy extended by God to the Gentiles did not cause any injustice to the Jews. The Apostle Paul justly rebukes them and curbs their pride and arrogance. "They are jealous of the salvation of the Gentiles. Pride renders all virtues useless.