Мф. 26, 69–75;

Мк. 14, 54–72.

Когда Петр, издали следовавший за Господом, ведомым до двора первосвященникова, вошел внутрь, чтоб видеть конец, и, седши со служителями на дворе, грелся у огня, пришла туда одна из служанок первосвященника и, увидев Петра греющегося и всмотревшись в него, сказала: и ты был с Иисусом Галилеянином — Назарянином. Но он отрекся пред всеми, сказав: не знаю и не понимаю, что ты говоришь. Сказав сие, он вышел вон на передний двор; и запел петух.

Когда же он выходил за ворота, ведшие на передний двор, увидела его другая служанка и начала говорить бывшим тут и стоявшим: и этот из них; и этот был с Иисусом Назореем. Но Петр опять отрекся с клятвою, что не знает человека сего.

Немного спустя стоявшие там опять стали говорить Петру: точно и ты из них, ибо и речь твоя обличает тебя; ты Галилеянин, и наречие твое сходно. Он же начал клясться и божиться, что не знает сего человека, говоря: не знаю человека сего, о котором вы говорите.

218. Третье отречение Петра, по евангелисту Луке

Лк. 22, 55–62.

After this, Peter again returned from the front yard to the main courtyard and sat down by the fire. When the servants sat in the middle of the courtyard, by the lit fire, Peter also sat among them. A certain maidservant, seeing him sitting by the fire and looking at him, said, "This one was also with him." But Peter denied Him, saying to the woman, "I do not know Him."

A little later, another saw him and said, "Thou art also one of them." But Peter said to the man, "No!

After an hour of time, someone else insistently said, "Surely this one was with Him, for he is a Galilean." But Peter said to the man, "I don't know what you say." And immediately while he was still speaking, the crowed a second time.

Then the Lord, on leaving the Sanhedrin, which was right there in the courtyard, turned and looked at Peter, and Peter remembered the word of the Lord, as He had said to him, "Before the crows twice, you will deny Me three times." And going out, he began to weep bitterly.

219. The Guards' Mockery of the Lord

Lux. 22, 63–65.

The people who held the Lord Jesus mocked Him and beat Him; And having covered Him, they smote Him in the face, and asked Him, Prophesy, who smote Thee? And many other blasphemies were uttered against Him.

Good Friday

220. The Lord Surrenders to Pilate

Mf. 27, 1–2;

Mk. 15, 1;

Lux. 22, 66–71; 23, 1;

In. 18, 28.

As soon as the day came, immediately in the morning the elders of the people, the chief priests and scribes, and all the Sanhedrin, gathered together and held a conference to put the Lord to death. They brought Him into their Sanhedrin and said, "Are you the Christ, tell us?" He said to them, "If I tell you, you will not believe; but if I ask you, you will not answer me, neither will you let me go. From now on, the Son of Man will sit down at the right hand of the Power of God.