Потом явился Господь более нежели пятистам братии, из которых большая часть и доныне (когда святой Павел писал сие к Коринфянам) в живых, а некоторые и почили.

В числе их были и одиннадцать учеников. Это было в Галилее на горе, куда повелел им идти Господь и куда они пошли из Иерусалима.

Увидев явившегося Господа, они поклонились Ему, а иные (конечно, из числа 500) усомнились.

Приблизившись к ним, Господь Иисус сказал им: дана Мне всякая власть на небе и на земле.

Кто будет веровать и креститься (крещением), спасен будет; а кто не будет веровать, осужден будет.

Уверовавших будут сопровождать сии знамения: именем Моим будут изгонять бесов; будут говорить новыми языками; будут брать змей; и если что смертоносное выпьют, не повредит им; возложат руки на больных, и они будут здоровы.

258. Явление девятое: Апостолу Иакову

1 Кор. 15, 7.

Явился также Господь Иакову.

Вознесение Господне

259. Явление десятое

Деян. 1, 1–14;

Мф. 28, 19, 20;

Мк. 16, 19, 20;

Lux. 24, 49–53.

Thus, in the course of forty days, from the day of the resurrection to the day on which He ascended, the Lord appeared to the Apostles, whom He had chosen, showing Himself to them alive after His suffering, with many true proofs, speaking to them about the Kingdom of God and giving them, concerning it, commandments by the Holy Spirit.

On this very day, having gathered them together, He commanded them, "Do not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promised things of the Father, of which you have heard from Me." And behold, I will send you the promise of my Father upon you; but you remain in the city of Jerusalem until you are endowed with power from on high. For John baptized with water; and you, in a few days after this, will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

The Apostles asked the Lord, saying, "Is it not at this time, O Lord, that Thou dost restore the kingdom of Israel?" The Lord said to them, "It is not your business to know the times and seasons that the Father has set in His own power." But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the uttermost part of the earth.

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you to the end of the age.

After such a conversation with His disciples, the Lord led them out of the city as far as Bethany, and lifting up His hands, blessed them; and when he blessed them, he began to depart from them and ascend up to heaven. He rose up in their eyes, and a cloud took Him out of their sight.

As they looked up into heaven, during His ascent, suddenly two men in white robes stood before them, and said, Men of Galilee! Why do you stand and look up to heaven? This is the Lord