Conversations on the Gospel of Mark

How to learn this love? How to buy it?

This mystery is revealed in the Gospel of John in the words of the Lord: "Whoever has My commandments and keeps them loves Me; but whoever loves Me will be loved by My Father; and I will love him and appear to him Myself (Jn. XIV, 21).

On the one hand, the fulfillment of God's commandments should be an expression and testimony of our love for God, for love is not expressed only in words. My children! – writes the Apostle John, – let us love not in word or tongue, but in deed and in truth (1 Jn. III, 18). If you love Me, keep My commandments, the Savior commands. - ... Whoever loves Me will keep My word... He who does not love Me does not keep My words (Jn. XIV, 15, 23-24).

On the other hand, the fulfillment of the commandments is also a means of developing love for God.

There is a special law of interaction between the soul and the body, or internal moods and external actions. Usually, our external actions are caused by internal motives and moods, but, in turn, external actions can themselves cause the corresponding moods of the soul. Start playing cards or roulette - and you may have a thirst for profit. Take part in a sport and you can get excited. Start fighting, and a feeling of cruelty or anger will almost inevitably grip the heart.

It is the same in this case: do good to people and you will love them. Fulfill God's commandments, act as if you already love God, be obedient to Him, and little by little your heart will be warmed by true love.

Hence the law: one must first surrender to God in obedience in order to unite with Him in love. If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love, saith the Lord (Jn. XV, 10). Thus, the first and perhaps the most effective support for the development of love for God can be found in the will of man. Another support should be sought in his cognitive activity, in his mind.

It is necessary to know God.

Everyone who loves... knows God," the Apostle John testifies. "Whoever does not love has not come to know God" (1 Jn. IV, 7-8). Consequently, he who knows God cannot but love Him. Especially, by knowing God's love shown to us, we cultivate in ourselves a feeling of reciprocal love.

Let us love Him, because He first loved us (1 Jn. IV, 19).

We know love in that He laid down His life for us (1 Jn. III, 16).

Therefore, know God, know His love, especially manifested in the atoning sacrifice of the Lord, Who laid down His life for us. Study the Savior's life, His person, His character, His work and teaching, and the history of His suffering. A high, extraordinary, holy personality will open before you, a pure, noble character, which cannot but be loved.

Imagine more clearly, step by step, moment by moment, all this wonderful life: Christmas night... The wondrous Child, who exchanged the throne of heaven for a bundle of straw for us... The squalor of the cave and the cold of the night... Education in Nazareth... Poverty and the need to work hard... Fasting in the desert and the horror of temptation... Wandering in Palestine without His corner, without shelter... Annoying crowds of people, and this constantly gentle smile... Words of mercy and compassion... Miracles of healing and blessing of children... The espionage of the Pharisees and the hatred that was gathering more and more around him... The ringing of silver and the betrayal of Judas... Gethsemane with its dying anguish... The crackle of torches and the kiss of a traitor... The betrayal of the students and complete loneliness... An outrageously cruel and unfair trial... The cries of the excited, embittered crowd: "Crucify Him, crucify Him!" Calvary... Crucifix... The last breath and this dying cry: My God, My God! why hast thou forsaken me?

And when all this suffering life with its shame and pain, with its humiliation and anguish, with its loneliness and love, and when you understand that He loved and pitied you, prayed for you and suffered for you, then a sharp feeling of compassion and gratitude will permeate the heart... And this is the beginning of love.