Discourses on the Gospel of Mark, read on the radio "Grad Petrov"

"He was despised and rejected by men;

a man of sorrows, and acquainted with sorrows,

и мы отвращали от Него лице свое;

Он был презираем, и мы ни во что ставили Его.

Но Он взял на Себя наши немощи

и понес наши болезни;

а мы думали, что Он был поражаем,

punished and humiliated by God.

But He was wounded for our sins

and we are tormented for our iniquities;

the chastisement of our peace was upon him;

and by his stripes we are healed.

We all wandered like sheep,

each turned to his own path;

and the Lord laid upon Him the sins of all of us.

He was tortured, but he suffered voluntarily

and He did not open His mouth;

He was led like a sheep to the slaughter;

And as a lamb is silent before his shearers,

so He did not open His mouth.

From bondage and judgment He was taken;

but who can explain His generation?" (Isaiah 53:3-8).

We have quoted the text of the prophet Isaiah according to the Synodal Russian translation, which, alas, does not always accurately reflect the thought of the original, not to mention the high poetry of the original text. Thus, for example, the last of the above sentences should rather be translated as follows:

"Chains and judgment have taken Him from us;

but who is grieved by His fate?"

The story of Peter's denial is undoubtedly addressed directly to the readers of the Gospel. Peter had just swore to convince the Lord of his faithfulness. Let us remember: "Peter said to him, 'Even if all are offended, but not I.' And Jesus said to him, 'Truly I say to you, that this night, before the crows twice, you will deny me three times.' But with even greater effort he said, 'Though I should die with you, I will not deny you' (14:29-31). And indeed, until the very last moment, Peter acted with desperate courage. He began by drawing his sword in defense of the Master, ready to fight the whole crowd. Further, the others fled, but Peter kept his word and did not leave Jesus in trouble, following the arrested man into the courtyard of the high priest. And now "he began to swear and swear, 'I do not know this man of whom you speak.'" Yes, this strange duality of human nature was manifested in him. He sat by the fire, for the night was cold, wrapped in his cloak. In the light of the fire, the people recognized Peter, but he denied any connection with Jesus. And then the following happened: According to the Roman custom, the night was divided into four watches, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. (at 9 p.m., at 12 p.m., at 3 a.m. and at 6 a.m. After the third watch, at three o'clock in the morning, the guards were changed. that is, the time of dawn. And so, at the moment when Peter denied his acquaintance with Jesus for the third time, the sound of a trumpet was heard over the city, striking Peter's ears. He remembered everything, his heart could not stand it, and he began to cry.

Every reader of this story may think: if this happened to Peter, then what can we expect from us? Yes, we must all reckon with the possibility of our infidelity and our betrayal.

Peter "remembered the word that Jesus had spoken to him" and, weeping bitterly, repented of his unfaithfulness. Therefore, every believer, when temptation overtakes him and he realizes his unfaithfulness, should remember the prophetic word of Jesus: "Thrice shalt thou deny me." These words of the Lord should not be forgotten and remembered that they concern all of us.