Jesus the Unknown


Tertullianus ar. Ot. Pfleiderer, Die Entstehung des Christentums, 1907, S. 247.


J. Wellhausen, Das Evangelium Johannis, 1898, S. 3.


Pascal, Pensées, 537: «Le Christianisme est étrange».


Clement Alex., Strom. II, 9, 45; V, 14, 57 – Resch, Agrapha, S. 70.


Pascal, Pensées, 552: «Je pensais à toi dans mon agonie, j'ai vers é telles gouttes de sang pour toi».


Pseud.-Cyprian, De duobus montibus, p. 13: "ita me m vobis videte quomodo quis vestrum se videt in aquam aut in speculum."


D. Merezhkovsky, The Secret of the West. Atlantis – Europe, 1931, II, Gods of Atlantis, ch. XIII, To Jesus the Unknown, VIII.


L. Grandmaison, Jesus Christ, 1930, I, 137.


II, I, Esdra, IX: «multitudo quae sine causa nata est».


Renan, Vie de Jésus, 1925, p. 477, 440.


Il se répentit de souffrir pour une race vile, Renan, 424.


Renan, 373–375.


Stapfer, Jesus Christ avant son minist ère, 1896, VIII. Здесь хорошо переданы эти очаровательно-лукавые «может быть» Ренана. With the same white, femininely soft hands, as once the communion, the priest of the strip now makes his bread balls with needles, mixing honey with poison.


Bruno Bauer, Ar. Aid. Schweitzer, Leben-Jesus Forschung, 1921, S. 157: "Christ is a vampire of spiritual abstraction; having sucked every last drop of the blood of mankind, He Himself was horrified by His empty, all-consuming Self." – M. Kegel, Bruno Bauer, 1908, p. 38: "The Christ of the Gospel should inspire horror in mankind as a historical phenomenon." Old Gaze was right when, quoting Bauer's review: "The words of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel are cretinically inflated, 'kretinartig aufgeblasen' calling him a 'literary sans-culotte' – a 'hooligan', in our opinion. – K. Hase, Geschichte Jesu, S. 135. – We reap the fruits of this "hooliganism" abundantly in a crude, "Komsomol" form, in the East, in a more refined, "mythological" form, in the West.