Jesus the Unknown

If Mary had not fallen at the feet of the Lord, incinerated by this incredible vision, she would not have seen the risen Lord, and all creation with her.

Here History comes into contact with the Mystery, time with eternity. In this sense, Lazarus was truly resurrected, and one could say: if it were not for the resurrection of Lazarus, there would be no Christianity, there would be no Christ.


Thou hast revealed to us many mysteries, and thou hast chosen me out of all thy disciples, and hast spoken to me three words, whereby I burn, but I cannot speak to others;

recalls Thomas the Infidel. [608] It is very probable that these three words revealed to him who said:

if I don't see ... I will not believe (John 20:25).

also apply to the miracle of the Resurrection. If they are different for each time, then for ours, in the face of the invasion of "anthropoids", "non-humans", slaves-enslavers threatening people, these three words would flash in heaven with the sign of the cross of Labarum: By this you will conquer, – by the sign of the Son of man, these three words:

Miracle – Love – Freedom.

Perhaps now, more than ever, people could hear,

что Дух говорит церквам: побеждающему дам… белый камень и на камне написанное, новое имя, которого никто не знает, кроме того, кто получает. (Откр. 2, 17.)

Новое имя возвещено будет миру в Судный День, трубой Архангела. Но, может быть, слышится оно уже и сейчас в шепоте узников, помнящих Блаженную Весть:

Дух послал Меня… проповедовать пленным освобождение. Если Сын освободит вас, то истинно свободны будете.

Нового имени Его еще никто не знает; но, может быть, скоро узнают – вспомнят рабы вечное имя Христа:
