Jesus the Unknown

only in Him alone, the only one. He loves and conquers death-hatred, resurrects – He alone.

For I live, and you will live. (John 14:19). I am the seven, the resurrection and the life... He who believes in Me will never die. (John 11:25-26.)

Jesus accumulates the power of resurrection love in his disciples, as a cloud accumulates thunderstorm power for lightning.

"Love is stronger than death" – it is said about conjugal, carnal love only figuratively and deceptively: that love, the old one, does not conquer death physically, but itself gives birth to death: only this new, spiritual-carnal, brotherly-conjugal love (of Christ the Bridegroom to the Church the Bride) conquers it, kills it. In that love, the lover is outside the body of the beloved: he wants to devour him, to devour him with his fire, but he cannot; Only in this love is it inside.

Here, in the Eucharist, the Lover enters the beloved flesh into flesh, blood into blood. By the flame of love He who burns and is burned, Who is poisonous and he who walks is one; they live together, die together, and are resurrected together.

He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:54.)

The denser, the bloodier, the coarser and more substantial, but in fact the more subtle and spiritual; the closer we understand the Eucharist to the Church's dogma-experience of transubstantiation (transsubstatio), the more faithful, not only religiously, but also historically authentic.

"This food, with which our flesh and blood are nourished, in transubstantiation – κατάμεταβολήν (in the "transfiguration", "metamorphosis" of matter) – is the flesh and blood of Jesus Himself," teaches Justin Martyr, according to the "Memoirs of the Apostles" – the Gospels. [811]

"This bread is a medicine for eternal life, an antidote to death," teaches Ignatius the God-bearer, a disciple of the Lord's disciples. [812] This means: with the Body and Blood in the Eucharist, as it were, a new substance entered the world; The new body was added to the simple chemical bodies, or more precisely, the new state of all the transfigured bodies, the substances of the world.

"Behold My Body, which is broken for you," says the Lord not only to all men, but also to all creation.

for the whole creation groans together and is tormented until now... in the hope that she will be freed from the slavery of corruption into freedom... children of God (Romans 8:22, 21).

This is what the Eucharist – Love – Freedom means; this is what the unknown name of the Unknown Christ means: the Liberator.


What mankind has been looking for since the beginning of time is found here, in the Upper Room.