Jesus the Unknown

children! I will not be with you any longer. (John 13:33.)

His hands and feet were kissed; they cried, not knowing whether from sorrow or joy. Perhaps only now did they understand what it meant:

ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.

… I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice and joy

no one will take yours away from you. (John 16:20, 22.)


And when He lifted up His eyes to heaven, they must have lifted them up, not to heaven, but to Him. Perhaps only now did they understand what this wondrous and terrible word of His meant:

Philip said to Him, "Rabbi! show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us. Jesus said to him, "How long have I been with you, and you do not know me, Philip?" He who has seen Me has seen the Father. (John 14:8-9).

This word has now been fulfilled: they have seen Him, they have seen the Father. And Jesus said,

Father! the hour has come; glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee.

… As a sacrifice I dedicate myself for them.

… May they all be one: as you, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so may they also be one in Us. (John 17:1, 19, 21.)

This is one of the three greatest minutes in the life of the Son of man and of all mankind; the other two: the one when He rises, and the one when He comes again.

If we had understood what had happened at that moment, we would have understood that Jesus said with these three words:

behold My Body,

saved the world.

7. Гефсимания

И, воспев, пошли на гору Елеонскую. (Мк. 14, 26.)

Пели пасхальный галлель, песнь освобождения от рабства египетского для Израиля, а для них (этого они еще не знали) – от рабства тягчайшего – смерти.

Оба вина – пасхальное, крепкое, красное, jain adom,[819] и крепчайшее, краснейшее, несказанное (думать о нем боялись и назвать его не смели) – должны были им броситься в голову, чтобы все еще могли не спохватиться, что «один из Двенадцати» куда-то ушел, и не понять после того слова Господня: «Один из вас предаст Меня», – куда ушел и зачем.