Extracts from essays

Shaft. I think it's good to say quality.

Pravosl. And the substance was of no quality and without form?

Shaft. That is what I have said before in my speech.

Pravosl. Therefore, if evil is a quality of an object, and matter was without quality, and the Creator of qualities, according to your words, is God, then God will also be the Creator of evil. If, in this way, it is impossible not to recognize God as the author of evil, then it seems to me that it is in vain to add substance to Him. However, if you have anything to say to this, then say; If our investigation were based on a passion for verbal debate, then I would not ask you to define evil a second time; but since we conduct verbal research more out of friendship and a desire for the benefit of our neighbor, I ask you to do a favor to define this again.

Valens. It seems that you are well aware of my intention and effort; I do not wish to conquer by asserting a lie, but to show the truth after careful examination, and of you I know for a fact that you are of the same disposition; therefore, in whatever way you hope to find the truth, use it without the slightest hesitation; for by using the best, you will benefit not only yourself, but certainly also me in regard to what I do not know.

Rights. You, it seems to me, clearly express that evil is also a certain object; for I do not see it existing outside of things; And so, friend, if according to your words evil is an object, then it is necessary to examine the concept of the object itself (ουσία). Do you think that the object is not some kind of bodily composition?

Shaft. Seem.

Rights. And does the corporeal composition itself exist from itself, without needing anything from which it receives existence?

Shaft. Yes.

Rights. And what do you think, is not evil the effect of something?

Shaft. So it seems to me.

Rights. And do not actions come into being when there is an actor?

Shaft. Yes.

Rights. And when there is no actor, will there be no what he does?