Ancient Patericon

33. The brothers, traveling and getting lost, asked some how to find their way. They, being evildoers, showed them the way to the wilderness, and one went after them to rob them and advised them to cross the ditch. When he began to cross, the crocodile ran at the robber, but the servant of God did not despise him, but began to shout to the villain, pointing out to him the striving of the beast. He, having escaped, thanked him and marveled at his love.

34. There was a certain patriarch in Theopolis who was merciful and compassionate to those who sinned; it happened that one of the notaries stole gold from him and, being afraid, fled to the Thebaid of Egypt. When he went astray, the barbarians met him and took him to their most remote country. The archbishop, learning of this, ransomed it for eighty-five coins. When he returned, he was so merciful to him, that one of the inhabitants of the city then said: "There is nothing more profitable than to sin against the patriarch of this city."

Chapter 17. About love

1. Abba Anthony said: I no longer fear God, but love Him, for "love casteth out fear" (1 John 4:18).

2. And he said, "From our neighbor we have both life and death." For if we gain a brother, we gain God; but if we offend our brother, then we sin against Christ.

3. Abba Ammon of Nitria came to Abba Anthony and said to him, "I see that I have more work than you, and why is your name exalted by people above me?" Abba Anthony said to him, "Because I love God more than you."

4. Abba Hilarion came from Palestine to Abba Anthony on the mountain, and Abba Anthony said to him, "It is good that you have come, Lucifer, who rises in the morning." And Abba Hilarion said, Peace be unto thee, a pillar of light that sustaineth the universe.

5. Three of the fathers used to go to Blessed Abba Anthony every year. And two of them asked him about his thoughts and the salvation of his soul, but one was always silent, asking nothing. After a long time, Abba Anthony said to him: "This is how long you have come here, and you have never asked me." And answering, he said to him, "It is enough for me only to look at you, father."

6. One of the brethren said that when we were sitting and talking about love, Abba Joseph said to us, "Do we know what love is?" And he said of Abba Agathon, that he had a small chisel, and a brother came to him, and said to him, "Thou hast good at the chisel." And the elder would not let him go away if he did not take him.

7. Abba Agathon said, "By my will I never went to bed with anger in my heart against anyone, and because of my strength I did not let another go to sleep who had anything against me.

8. Abba Isaiah said, "Love is contemplation of God with unceasing thanksgiving; but God rejoices in thanksgiving, it is a sign of tranquillity.

9. Once, when Abba John and the other brothers were walking from the Skete, their guide lost his way, because it was night. The brothers said to Abba John, "What shall we do, Abba?" This brother has lost his way, how can we not die lost? And the elder said to them, "If we tell him, he will be sad and ashamed, but I will show myself sick, I will say that I cannot go and I will stay here until morning." And he did so. And the rest said, "Neither will we go, but we will sit with you; and they sat until morning, and did not rebuke their brother.

10. A certain elder was in Egypt before the arrival of Abba Pimen with his disciples. This elder had great fame and honor among people. When Abba Pimen came with his disciples from the Skete, people left the elder and came to Abba Pimen. The elder became jealous and spoke ill of them. Pimen heard about this and began to grieve, and said to his brethren: "What shall we do with this great elder, for the people who have left the elder and come to us, insignificant people, have plunged us into sorrow? How can we heal him? And he said to them, "Prepare a little food, and take a vessel of wine, and let us go to him, and eat together, that perhaps by this we may be able to heal him." So they took the food and went to him, and when they pushed him at the door, the disciple asked him, saying, "Who are you?" And they said, "Tell the abba that this is Pimen, who wishes to receive a blessing from you." When the disciple informed the elder about this, he announced to them, saying: "Go away, I have no time." They remained in the heat, saying: "We will not leave unless we are worthy of the blessing of the elder." The elder, seeing their patience and humility, was touched, opened it to them, and going in, they ate with him. When they were eating, the elder said, "Truly I say, in you is not only what I have heard about you; but I have seen a hundredfold more in your work. And from that day he became their friend.

11. Abba Pimen said, "Do so that your strength does no harm to anyone, and make your heart pure for every man."