Ancient Patericon

69. He also said, "Good experience is above words: it makes a man more skilful."

70. He also said: A man who teaches others, but does not do what he teaches, is like a spring that gives everyone water and washes, but cannot cleanse himself, so that all dirt and impurity remain in him.

71. Abba Serin once went with his disciple Isaac to Abba Pimen, and said to him, "What shall I do with this Isaac, although he listens to my words with pleasure?" Abba Pimen answered him: if you want to benefit him, then show virtue by your very deeds. For he, even heeding thy word, remains idle; but if you show your words in deed, it will remain in him.

72. Abba Pimen said: The coenobia requires three virtues: first, humility, second, obedience, and third, aroused habit and zeal for coenobitic work, so that he may not remain in contempt.

73. He also said, "A man seems to be silent, but his heart condemns others, and he speaks constantly; but the other speaks from morning to evening, and remains silent, that is, he says nothing uselessly.

74. And he said, "If three live together, and one of them is well silent, another is sick and gives thanks to God, and a third serves them with a pure disposition, then all three do the same work."

75. And he said, "Evil in no way destroys evil; wherefore if any man shall do thee evil, thou shalt do good unto him, that with good thou mayest destroy the evil.

76. And he said, "He is not a monk who complains about his lot; he is not a monk who returns evil for evil; He is not a monk who is angry.

77. And he said, "The power of God cannot dwell in a man who is given over to the passions."

78. And he said, "If we pursue tranquillity, it flees from us; but if we flee from it, it pursues us.

79. A brother came to Abba Pimen, and said to him, "I have many thoughts, but I am in danger from them." The elder took him out into the air and said to him: open your bosom and do not let the wind in! "I can't do that," answered my brother. "If you cannot do this," said the elder, "then you cannot hinder the thoughts that come to you; but it's up to you to resist them.

80. His brother also asked him, "I have been left an inheritance—what do you order me to do with it?" Abba Pimen answered him: "Go, in three days I will tell you." When the brother came, the elder said to him: "What shall I say to you, brother?" If I say, give your inheritance to the church, for they will have supper there. If I say, "Give it to your relatives," you will not be rewarded for it. If I say, Give to the poor, you will be grieved. So go and do what you will—I don't care about that."

81. Abba Pimen also said, "If the thought of the necessary needs for the body comes to you, and you fulfill it once, and it comes again another time, and you will fulfill it; then if he comes a third time, do not heed it, for this thought is empty.

82. The brother asked Abba Pimen, "If I see something that has happened, will you allow me to tell about it?" The elder answered: "The Scripture says: whoever declares the word before he hears it, foolishness is also reproach to him" (Proverbs 18:13). If they ask you, speak; and if they do not ask, be silent.