St. Ephraim the Syrian of Creation. Volume 1

If you see brethren conspiring to do evil, do not join in their disorder, but, turning away, enter into your cell, remembering Him who said, "But it is not fitting for the servant of the Lord to be cooked" (2 Tim. 2:24).

And if you see a brother who is faint-hearted, or weak, then it is wonderful to have compassion for him.

Righteousness shall rejoice the heart of him that doeth righteousness.

Refrain from joking, brother, lest they make you shameless; shamelessness is the mother of lewdness.

Do not go to the cell of those who are drunk, lest the riches of chastity be suddenly destroyed for you.

Do not remember the grudge against your brother, for it is written, "The way... those who remember evil unto death (Prov. 12:28).

Can't you bear insults? Be silent and calm down.

Can't you see if anyone is looking at you? And you don't look at anyone.

Do not agree with him who suggests to you something like this: "How long will you patiently please every brother?" For He Himself said: "Do not be careful about the morning" (Matt. 6:34).

Blessed is he who has found good companions and hated his own will.

Do your work without deceit, brother, for it is fitting for the faithful; and you will find grace in your labors.

Do not drink wine to the point of being drunk to please men, for then you will be greatly ashamed when you are found drunk.

Like a golden chain around the neck, a monk is adorned with reverence.

As sweet honey is to the lips of man, so are the words of God to the soul that fears the Lord.

Wise elders are the support of the brethren, and the unwise will be quarrelsome.

Both God and people hate pride, but the Lord exalts those who love humility.

A monastery that adheres to good rules is a safe harbor; but those who have no control fall like leaves (Proverbs 11:14), because he who serves must serve as the Lord, from Whom he will receive a reward, and not as men; and he whom he serves must behave humbly, as the Lord would serve him.

Have you tasted bread and been satisfied? Give glory to God, Who has nourished you. And if you want to satisfy your belly with little, give glory to God who strengthened you, and do not say before everyone: "I have not sown even such and such a share of grain." What do you attribute to yourself with this? Do you not condemn only those who eat and give thanks?

Be patient with the Lord in the day of trouble, that He may cover you in the day of wrath.

Do not laugh at the grieved, do not rejoice when you see one who is corrupt, lest the Lord be angry with you, and you will not be left without protection in the day of trouble.

Do not persecute your brethren out of covetousness; for if this counsel is not from God, it will not be fulfilled; but if it is from God, then though you hide yourself in vessels, like Saul (1 Samuel 10:22), the Lord will take you from there and make you an elder over His people.