St. Ephraim the Syrian of Creation. Volume 1

If your soul is sound before the Lord, then you will benefit from everything.

If you see someone selling something, say to yourself: "This man, coveting the temporary, endures so much to gather transient goods. If you see people arguing among themselves, say to yourself: "These people make so much effort and argue among themselves about things that are not in the least beneficial. If you see people building a house of clay, then say to yourself: "These people, when they build a house of clay, use their efforts to do the work. But in order not to prolong the words in speaking of both separately, I will say: whatever we see in life, worldly thoughts and worldly reasonings, let us replace spiritual ones, and with grace that helps us, we will certainly receive benefit.

What is a monk? A monk is like a man who rushes from a height and, finding a rope hanging high above the ground, grabs hold of it, hangs on it and constantly cries out to the Lord for help, knowing that if he weakens and lets go of the rope from both hands, he will fall and die.

Eat (grasp), monk, for the eternal life to which you are called, confessing your good confession before many witnesses: for yet a little but He who is coming will come and not cut down (Hebrews 10:37).

Because we do not want to endure even a small sorrow for the Lord's sake, we involuntarily fall into many and grievous sorrows. Because we do not want to abandon our own will for the sake of the Lord, we prepare spiritual harm for ourselves. Because we do not tolerate being subject and humiliated for the Lord's sake, we deprive ourselves of the consolation of the righteous. Because we do not listen to the admonition that is given to us for the sake of the Lord, we make ourselves the plaything of evil demons. Because we do not accept punishment with a rod, a taulin (cauldron, frying pan) awaits us, in which there will be no comforter.

Who will give water to my head, and clean up the fountain of tears? And a face that is gladden to strangers, and I weep for my sins day and night (Jeremiah 9:1). Laughter (Ecclesiastes 2:2): "Get away from me"; and tears: "Come unto me," for my sin is very great before the Lord, and there is no end to my sins.

Did you know that people have tears of three different kinds? There are tears for visible things, and they are very bitter and vain. There are tears of repentance, when the soul desires eternal blessings, and they are very sweet and useful. And there are tears of repentance where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 8:12), and these tears are bitter and useless, because they are completely unsuccessful, when there is no time for repentance.

Be sober during your youth, beloved, so that you may be worthy of praise at your death.

Do not rely on the evil one, who inspires you with deceitful thoughts and says: "You are still young; you must live many more years, so now rejoice and do not grieve your soul; in your old age you will bring repentance." Are you so foolish, brother, that you do not know that the evil one will deceive you in this? If you do not repent in your youth and at an age full of strength, when you are able to endure any labor and endure podvig, then, when you are old, will you not present old age as a pretext for impotence? And if you are kidnapped from here in your youth, what will you do then? Therefore, leave the path of the enemy, and listen to the voice of the true Lord, Who said: "Watch, for... and pray... for the day is not known, nor the hour (Matt. 25:13. Mk. 13:33).

O Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings, Thou Who hast power over life and death, Thou knowest the hidden and the secret, from Whom neither thought nor reasoning is hidden! Cleanse me from my secrets (Psalm 18:13), for I have done evil before Thee (Psalm 50:6). For behold, my days are becoming scarce from day to day, and my sins are multiplying. Thou, O Lord God of spirits and of all flesh, knowest the great weakness of my soul and body; Give me, O Lord, strength in my weakness and help me, the poor. For thou knowest that thou art a miracle to many, and thou art my mighty helper (Psalm 70:7). Give me, O Lord, a heart of gratitude, that I may always remember Thy good deeds, good Lord, and remember not my sins, be not vindictive of my falls! Do not despise, O Lord, the supplication offered by me, insignificant and sinful; but as Thy grace has covered me hitherto, so do not take it away from me to the end. She has made me wise to understand all things, and blessed are those who keep her ways, for it will be a crown of glory for them. I confess to Thee, O Lord, and I, unworthy, praise Thee, Who hast shown me a multitude of mercies, because Thou hast been my protector and helper, for the name of Thy majesty is blessed for ever. Greatness becometh thee, O Lord our God!

Teach your brother, beloved, not the way that leads you into the world, but the way that leads you into the Kingdom of Heaven. Fear the Lord with all your strength, and do not compete with the works of the wicked, for their fire will not be quenched, and their worm will not die (Mark 9:44).

For the correction of those who give themselves over to passions and seek honors

I am terrified, my brethren, and tremble, and consumed with sorrow because of what the prophet said: "See, you scorn... and wonder... and you will disappear" (Hab. 1:5). And most of all I am terrified because of my own ignorance, because I have become the path of all iniquity, and the enemy has bound every member of mine with every sin. And because of the shame that covers me, I must grieve and weep for myself, and only then take care of others. You must first tear out a log from yourself, and then examine the knitting needles of others. Now the negligence that is noticeable in our times plunges me into great sorrow. For I see negligence about the present catechetical teaching, and I cannot bear it, like the prophet who says: "I have seen those who do not understand, and I have gone away" (Psalm 118:158). For what weapon does not the enemy have among us? What cunning intrigues does he not use to possess us? Alas! Who will not weep over the calamities that threaten us?