St. Ephraim the Syrian of Creation. Volume 1

In imitation of parables

Believe in the Son of God... have eternal life (John 3:16). If anyone believes in the Son of God, his feet will not stumble (Proverbs 4:12); and though he pass through the fire, the flame shall not scorch him (Isaiah 43:2). Believe in the Son of God, as the Scriptures say, "Rivers shall flow out of his womb living waters" (John 7:38).

From the multitude of wood, the flame increases; and in the heart of man the fear of God increases knowledge, and activity increases it.

Be exceedingly sober when you sow the seed of your Lord, lest the enemy mix in the tares or anything of his own, for it is his custom to do evil by means of good.

Let us ask the Lord for grace to grant us knowledge and sense to be sober in all things.

The furnace tempts silver and gold (Proverbs 17:3), and the fear of the Lord is the thoughts of those who love the Lord. As an artist, sitting at an anvil, finishes useful vessels, so the fear of God destroys every evil thought in the heart and replaces it with a rational word.

Let us give glory to Him Who gives His fear into our hearts, for He is the one who teaches man understanding (Psalm 93:10). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but understanding is good to all who do it; but godliness in God is the beginning of feeling (Proverbs 1:7).

A wise man will keep the commandments of Christ, but he who walks in them will never be ashamed. He who forsakes them is a fool, his hope is vain; but whoever truly observes them passes from death to life (John 5:24), will never see darkness, and in the day of his death will find grace. Faithful Angels will be the guides of his soul, his foundation will be established on an unshakable rock, and he will become the heir of eternal life. He is the most blessed of all, because he has learned to do the will of Him who created him. At the sign of the trumpet, the army is prepared for battle, but during the podvig not everyone participates in the battle. Many are monks only in appearance, but few are ascetics. During temptation, however, the dignity of a monk is revealed.

Прежде кончины никого не ублажай, и прежде смерти ни в ком не отчаивайся.

Не называй себя праведным и непорочным пред Господом, ибо что утаилось от тебя, то явлено пред Богом. Должно же верить, что если Ему предоставим себя, то будет плод от нашего делания.

Лучше хочу быть деятельным и отличным из братий, нежели преступать заповеди и быть для них мерзким.

Кто знает все Писание и не радеет о заповедях Христовых, тот биен будет много (Лк. 12:47). А кто исполняет волю Господню, тот будет признан мужем совершенным.

Не место нужно мужу совершенному, но нужна рассудительность, а немощным надобно и место иметь сообразно с правилами.