Orthodoxy and modernity. Electronic library.

Chapter X: The Apostasies of Rome in the Celebration of the Sacraments

Chapter XI: Rome and Russia

Chapter XII: The Decline of the Roman Church in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries as the Cause of the Rise of Protestantism

Chapter XIII: Protestantism. Reformation in Germany, Switzerland, England

Chapter XIV: Lutheranism. The Positive Side of the First Reformers

Chapter XV: The Rejection of Church Tradition and the Authority of the Catholic Apostolic Church in Matters of Faith and Church Organization

Chapter XVI: The Doctrine of the State of Man after the Fall, and of His Justification by Faith

Chapter XVII: The Rejection of the Apostolic Understanding of the Church and the Priesthood

Chapter XVIII: The Teaching on the Sacraments and the Rejection of the Living Connection between the Earthly and Heavenly Church

Chapter XIX: The Anglican Confession

Chapter XX: Calvinism—Reformism—Presbyterians

Chapter XXI. Sectarianism

Chapter XXII. Sects of the XVI century

Socinian Unitarians



Глава XXIII. Секты XVII и XVIII веков




Глава XXIV. Секты XIX-XX веков

«Ученики Христа», или Кампбеллиты

Мормоны, именующие себя «святыми последних дней»

Адвентисты 7-го дня

Глава XXV. Свидетели Иеговы

Учение «Свидетелей Иеговы»

Церковь и христианство (по учению «Свидетелей Иеговы»)

Миссия «Свидетелей Иеговы»