A Guide to the Spiritual Life in Answering Disciples' Questions
Answer. The test of thoughts consists in the following: when a thought comes to you, consider what comes from it. I will give you an example of this: imagine that someone has annoyed you, and your thought prompts you to say something to him; and you say to your thought: "If I speak to him, I will trouble him through this, and he will grieve with me; therefore, I will endure a little, and it will pass." But if the thought is not about a person, but someone thinks evil in himself, then this is how the thought should be experienced: ask yourself what evil thoughts lead to, and they will cease. And with all your thoughts, do the same: as soon as a thought comes, test it and cut it off. As for captivity, know that it requires great vigilance. The Fathers say: if they lead your mind into fornication, remind it of chastity; but if they lead him into gluttony, bring to his remembrance fasting; act in the same way with regard to other passions. Do not grieve, meaning to receive mercy, as you have already been promised. For if we live, we live in the Lord, and if we die, we die in the Lord (Romans 14:8).
Question 178, the same to the same Great Elder. My father, tell me: to what measure (of spiritual stature) does unceasing prayer belong? And should there be a rule?
Answer. Rejoice in the Lord, my brother! Rejoice in the Lord, beloved! Rejoice in the Lord, my co-heir! Unceasing prayer belongs to the measure of impassibility. And through this the coming of the Spirit, Who teaches all things, is revealed; but if everything, then prayer as well. For the Apostle says: "For what we pray for, as befits us, we do not know, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with sighs that cannot be uttered" (Romans 8:26). What shall I tell you about the buildings of Rome when you have not yet been there? A person who is silent, and even more so lying on a bed, has no rule. Be like a man who eats and drinks as long as it pleases him: thus, if the desire comes to you and you see tenderness in your heart, read as much as you can, and do the same when singing. Try, then, according to your strength, to give thanks to God unceasingly, and cry out: "Lord, have mercy," and do not be afraid: the gifts of God are immutable (Romans 11:20).
179. A petition and a question of the same thing. The same (elder), after recovery, again fell ill with stomach and sent to the same Great Elder, asking to pray for him and saying:
From midnight I feel dryness in my mouth, (heaviness) in my eyelids, (weakness) in my arms and legs. And when I wake up, for almost an hour I feel trembling all over my body, starting with my stomach, and then weakening to the extreme. I want to read a psalm, but my lips cannot; but if I want to pronounce it in my heart, then sleep overcomes me. And I don't know what to do. I see obstacles to my salvation. I beg you, my father, for the Lord's sake, pray for me and explain to me what this means.
Answer Barsanuphius. This comes from a stomach disease, but there is also a burden due to the action of the demons. Despise both, according to what has been said: "Who is Christ's, the flesh is crucified with passions and lusts" (Gal. 5:24). Behold, the elders pray for your love, weep a little in prayer, thanking God and praying to Him for mercy; and He will have mercy on you, for we have a Lord, a merciful and generous Father. And no one from the Higher Powers, nor from His earthly true servants, no one is able to express how much His goodness desires to have mercy on the human race. But He delays (to deliver) us, in order to increase our patience for our salvation, as He Himself taught us, saying: "In your patience gain your souls" (Luke 21:19). Do not lose heart, brother, for Jesus has already begun to show you His mercy. Glory to Him forever, Amen. Pray for me.
Question 180, the same to another Elder. What did our father say about this: "Jesus has already begun to show you His mercy"?
John's answer. He spoke of great success in spiritual benefit, because you are already in such a retinue (of the Holy Fathers), with which you will once be resurrected in great joy, if only you preserve patience and thanksgiving to the end.
181. Petition of the same to the Great Elder. I believe that if you bind on earth, they will be bound in heaven, and if you loose on earth, they will be loosed in heaven (Matt. 18:18), and I beseech you, my father, by the mercies of God, help my weakness; I am faint in soul and body, and I burden the brethren with whom I live. Ask God (the strength) to fulfill my needs myself, so that the brethren do not have to bear my burdens. I believe that God will give you everything you ask of Him. Be compassionate to my weakness and forgive me, my father.
Answer Barsanuphius. Thy key, brother, opens my door, for I am a fool, and cannot conceal the wonders of God; and therefore anyone who hears my words will be horrified and will say: "He is beyond his mind and does not know what he is saying." I think that with God all things are possible (Matt. 19:26) and nothing is impossible for Him (cf. Job 10:13). As He acted through the ancients, raised up the paralytic and raised up the dead Tabitha, so He can also act through His present servants. Before Him I say and do not lie, that I know one servant of God in our race, at the present time and in this blessed place, who can raise the dead in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and cast out demons, and heal incurable diseases, and perform other miracles, no less apostolic, as testifies Him Who gave him a gift, or, more precisely, a gift. And what does this mean in comparison with what can be done about the name of Jesus! But he does not use his power, although he can stop fighting, and close and open heaven, like Elijah. Our Lord always has His faithful servants, whom He no longer calls slaves, but sons, and although the enemy envies them, yet, by the grace of Christ, he cannot harm them in the least. For the ship has already passed the waves, the warrior the battles, the helmsman the evil winds, the farmer the winter, the merchant the robbers, and the monk has attained perfection in his solitude. Hearing such proud words, who will not say that I have lost my mind. And verily, I speak as if in madness; but I am not testifying about myself, but about something else. And if anyone thinks to say, "He is out of the mind" (as I have already said), let him speak. And whoever wishes to be zealous in order to attain this measure (spiritual maturity), let him not be lazy. I have spoken these things to your love, assuring you that it is possible for that which you desire to be, for if God, through our prayer, has ordained for you heavenly blessings, ineffable and eternal, which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor ascended in the heart of man, which God has prepared for them that love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9), and you will receive them, keeping what is commanded you, then it is all the more easy to beseech God for bodily suffering and to receive grace, so that you will not be sick any more day and feel burdened. But Jesus knows better than we do what is useful to man and what helps him, so that one may receive a reward for patience, like Job, and others for service, like Eulogius the Scholasticus. Do not ask God for anything through His servants, except help and patience. But he that endureth to the end, he shall be saved (Matt. 10:22) in Christ Jesus our Lord. He cares for us (1 Pet. 5:7) forever, Amen. Or do you not know what the Lord said to St. Paul when he asked for deliverance from sorrow? My grace prevaileth unto thee (1 Cor. 12:9). As He said this: Is it because He lacks love for him, or because He knows what is good for him? Remember that we are unworthy of the passion of the present time for the glory that desires to be manifested in us (Romans 8:18). Forgive me and pray for me, accursed, that I too may remain in this measure to the end. The one who attained it has already become one of the brethren of Jesus. To Him be the glory for ever, Amen.
182. A petition of the same to the same Great Elder to receive mercy on that day.
Answer Barsanuphius. Beloved in Christ, Brother Andrew! I marvel at thy love, but rather at thy simplicity, which doubteth the promises. The Lord said to Philip, "Thou hast been with you only a short time, and hast not known Me, Philip" (John 14:9). Believe, brother, that the promises upon us will be fulfilled, and if you will, more will be given; for it is possible to receive a small mercy, it is also possible to receive a great one, and David chose for himself a great one. Whoever desires great mercy receives it through humility, meekness, patience, and the like. You receive mercy through the prayers of the saints, and whether it is small or great, it depends on you: choose for yourself what you want. Live in peace and sanctification, be patient with your neighbor with humility, like a monk, and, like an old man, serve as another example. Consider the brother who is with you and serves you as a son, and if he makes a mistake in anything or spoils anything, bring him to reason and explain to him his fault, so that he may be reformed. And pray for me.
Many sins are committed by those who despise the holy books, neglect them, and despise them so crudely and senselessly. From this is revealed their disdain for the holy; The Divine Scripture says: "Cursed is the man that doeth the work of the Lord with negligence" (Jeremiah 48:10).