1. After these came the so-called Cathars (Καθαροί) from a certain Nebat (ἀπὸ Ναυάτου τινός), as many relate it. This Nabatus was in Rome during the persecution that preceded the persecution of Maximinus. Perhaps, as I think, it was the persecution of Decius or Aurelian. With regard to those who fell during the persecution, being exalted with pride, he, together with his followers, did not want to have communion with those who repented after the persecution and turned to this heresy, namely, that this is not salvation, but that repentance is one, and after the pool there can be no mercy for anyone who has fallen.

And we also affirm that repentance is one, and that salvation is obtained by the pool of regeneration (λουτροῦ παλιγγενεσίας), but we do not deny the love of God, knowing the true preaching and mercy of the Lord, and that which should deserve indulgence on the part of nature, namely: the capacity of the soul to be carried away, the weakness of the flesh, the great agitation of the senses in many when falling, — why no one is sinless, not pure from defilement, even if his life on earth was one day. And perfect repentance takes place in the pool, but if someone falls, the holy ecclesia of God does not destroy him, but gives room for conversion, and after repentance, repentance [...].

2. […]

3. And then these same heretics, going still further from this, invented something else. For they say that they have the same faith that we have. And they don't want to have fellowship with bigawives. If someone after baptism marries a second wife, then he will no longer be accepted by these heretics. All this makes little sense [...].

4–12. […]

13. And so, what then, servants of God, are the sons of the holy ecclesia of God, who lead the unshakable rule and walk the path of truth? Let us not be amused by voices, and let us not follow the voice of any false statute. For the paths of these heretics are sinful, and the path of their false way of thinking is rolled. They boast much, but do not know even little. They promise freedom, being themselves slaves to sin (2 Peter 2:19). They boast very much, but have not achieved even a little.

But suffice, as I think, what has been said so far about these so-called Cathars ("pure"), but in reality, if the truth must be told, the impure.

And then there are in Africa and Byzacania those who philosophize like these disobedients, the so-called Donatians (ἀπὸ Δωνάτου τινὸς Δωνατιανοί). And they, because they do not enter into communion with those who have fallen away during the persecution, will be refuted by the same thing as the Novatians (Ναυατιανοί), or the so-called Cathars (Καθαροί), who walk with them under an alien yoke. Therefore, we did not need to have any more to do with them, but we placed them together with others like them. But in their evil philosophies about faith they will be refuted in the same way as Arius, who philosophizes in the same way as they with him, is refuted by the words of truth. Having passed over this heresy as well, let us pass on to those that follow it in order, trampling on them in the Lord as terrible creeping things.

Against the Angelics, the Fortieth and Sixtieth Heresies

1. We have heard of the heresy of the angels (Ἀγγελικῶν αἵρεσιν), and only the sound of their name has come down to us, but we do not quite clearly know what kind of heresy it is, perhaps because it was formed for a time, and afterwards ceased and was finally destroyed. And for what reason she had this name, we do not know. For either because some assert that the world was brought into being by angels, but I cannot say whether the same heresy which asserts this is called by this name, or because it had this name, because these heretics boast that they are in the order of angels and lead a most excellent way of life, but I do not assert this either; or they received this name from some place, for there is a certain locality of Angelica (Ἀγγελινή) lying on the other side of the country of Mesopotamia.

2. But, listener, if you are mindful, you will not reach the point of censure in suspicions. We have promised to declare some heresies their roots and content, or any of the things that are done by belonging to them, and to mention others only by name. And how much the power of God helped and gave before this heresy, of all those which we have set forth, not a single one has been left unexplained, with the exception of this one. Or perhaps the concept of it is not quite clear to our knowledge because it was exalted by arrogance for a short time and subsequently ceased. Having hastily mentioned only her name, and having treated her name as with a premature child, let us pass this place in order to rush to the consideration of other heresies, asking the Lord of all to reveal himself to us and, having shown to our little minds the details of what happens to heretics, to let us understand everything exactly, so that we may direct ourselves and our neighbors to avoid what is worthless and to acquire for ourselves from God constancy in goodness and true truth.

Against the Apostolics, the Forty-First and Sixty-First Heresies

1. After these heretics, others called themselves apostolics (Ἀποστολικοὺς ὠνόμασαν), and also want to be apotactics (Ἀποτακτικούς). They observe non-acquisitiveness. And these are also fragments of the teachings of the Tatians, the Encratites, the Tatians, and the Cathars, who do not properly accept marriage. But their sacraments are also changed. They boast of their lack of acquisitiveness, while in vain they tear apart the holy Church of God and harm it by their self-willed service, having departed from God's love for mankind. For they no longer have acceptance for any of the fallen. And also about marriage and other things they philosophize in a similar way to those mentioned above. But the Cathars use only the generally accepted Scriptures, and these, while in all respects alienating the rule of ecclesia, are for the most part based on the so-called Acts of Andrew and Thomas.

2–8. […]