114. Simmons D. H. Hagin – Heretic or Herald of God? A Theological and Historical Analysis of Kenneth E. Hagin’s Claim to Be a Prophet. Master’s thesis at Oral Robert’s University, 1985. 109 p.

115. Stadsklev J. William Branham: A Prophet Visits South Africa. Minneapolis, Minn.: Julius Stadsklev Publisher, 1952. 122 p.

116. Synan V. The Holiness Pentecostal Movement in the United States. Grand Rapids, 1971. 216 p.

117. White A. Demons and Tongues. New Jersey, 1949. 274 p.

118. Yong A. Discerning the Spirits: A Pentecostal – Charismatic Contribution to Christian Theology of Religions. Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. 392 p.

119. Tro p? succes? / En rapport fra Dialogcentret. Red. af M. B. Christensen. ?rhus, 1991. 162 s.


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121. Журавлев C. Свидетельство спасения //

< http://mariupol-x.narod.ru/kaz/index.html>.

125. Abuses of Faith. Testimonies of Two Swedish ex-Charismatics // .

126. Charismatic Orthodox Church // .

127. Glover P. From Faith in Faith to Faith in Christ // .

128. Hanegraaf H. What’s Wrong with the Faith Movement // .

129. Huima A. My Testimony // .

130. Huima A. Comparison Between the Kundalini Practice and the so-called Toronto Blessing // .

131. Kersey M. Personal Testimony // .

132. McGregor R. K. The Latter Rain Movement // .

133. Nicozisin G. Speaking in Tongues: An Orthodox Perspective / Web-page of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America .

134. An Open Letter about Benny Hinn. 16 May, 2000// .

135. Orthodox Renewal Center of St. Symeon the New Theologian .

136. Synan V. The Origins of the Pentecostal Movement // Web-page of Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University: .

IV.Аудио- и видеоматериалы

137. Ледяев А. Мы- представители от Вышних. Рига: Новое Поколение. Аудиозапись от 07.05.2000.

138. Copeland K. Authority of the Believer. Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland Ministries, 1987. Audiotape.

139. Copeland K. Following the Faith of Abraham. Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland Ministries, 1989. Audiotape.

140. Copeland K. The Force of Love. Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland Ministries, 1987. Audiotape.

141. Copeland K. Image of God in You – 3. Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland Ministries, 1989. Audiotape.