126 Бюне В. Указ. соч. С. 127.

127 Бюне В. Указ. соч. С. 131.

128 Там же. С. 132.

129 Там же. С. 133.

130 Лучшей «неофициальной» биографией Хейгина можно назвать Simmons D. H. Hagin - Heretic or Herald of God? A Theological and Historical Analysis of Kenneth E. Hagin’s Claim to Be a Prophet. Master’s thesis, Oral Roberts University, 1985.

131 Simmons D. H. Ibid. P. 1-4.

132 Hagin K. I Went to Hell. Tulsa, OK: Faith Library Publications, 1982. P.11.

133 Hagin K. What to Do When Faith Seems Weak and Victory Lost. FLP, 1979. P.18.

134 Hagin K. Don’t Blame God. FLP, 1979. P. 4-5.

135 Hagin K. I Believe in Visions. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1972. P. 9. Далее как Visions.

136 Hagin K. Visions. P.12.

137 Hagin K. Visions. P. 27-28.

138 Hagin K. Visions. P. 29.

139 Последние, впрочем, никакого облака не видели.

140 Hagin K. Understanding the Anointing. FLP, 1985. P. 44-45, Далее как Anointing.

141 Hagin K. The Woman Question. Greensburg, PA: Manna Christian Outreach, 1975. P. 83.

142 Hagin K., Jr. Kenneth E. Hagin’s 50 Years in the Ministry: 1934-1984. FLP, 1984. P. 28-29.

143 Hagin K. Right and Wrong Thinking. FLP, 1966. P. 20.

144 Hagin K. Why Do People Fall Under the Power. FLP, 1980. P. 9-10.

145 Hagin K. Why Do People Fall… P. 10.

146 Hagin K. Why Do People Fall… P. 12.

147 Hagin K. Plead Your Case. FLP, 1979. P. 14-15. Далее как Plead.

148 Hagin K. Plead. P. 14-15.

149 Hagin K. Plead. P. 17-18.

150 Hagin K. Anointing. P. 58-59.

151 Footprints on the Sands of Time: The autobiography of William Marrion Branham. Jeffersonville, Ind.: Spoken Word Publications, 1975. P. 2, 21, 93. Далее как Footprints…

152 Lindsay G. William Branham: A Man Sent from God. Jeffersonville, Ind.: William Branham Publisher, 1950. P. 30.

153 Lindsay G. William Branham: A Man Sent from God. Jeffersonville, Ind.: William Branham Publisher, 1950. P. 31.

154 Stadsklev J. William Branham: A Prophet Visits South Africa. Minneapolis, Minn.: Julius Stadsklev Publisher, 1952. P. 9-11.

155 Footprints… P. 620.

156 Цит. по: Dyck C. William Branham: The Man and His Message. Saskatoon: Western Tract Mission, 1984. P. 41.

157 Branham W. An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages. Branham Publisher, n.d. P. 98-99, 101.

158 Footprints… P. 627, 629, 643, 648.

159 Footprints… P. 606.

160 Branham W. Adoption. Jeffersonville, Ind.: Spoken Word Publications, 1960. P. 31, 104.