189 Copeland K. The Laws of Prosperity. KCP, 1974. P. 19.

190 Copeland K. Forces of the Recreated Human Spirit. KCM, 1982. P. 8.

191 Copeland K. Spirit, Soul and Body I. KCM, 1985. audiotape #01-0601, side 1.

192 Copeland K. Freedom from Fear. KCM, 1980. P. 11-12.

193 Copeland K. The Force of Faith. P. 11.

194 Capps C. The Tongue – A Creative Force. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1976. P. 92. Далее как The Tongue.

195 Copeland K. Forces of the Recreated Human Spirit. P. 15.

196 Copeland K. The Power of the Tongue. KCP, 1980. P. 4.

197 Kenyon E.W. Two Kinds of Faith. 14th ed. Lynnwood, WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1969. P. 20.

198 Rhodes R. The Counterfeit Christ of the New Age Movement. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1990. P. 149.

199 Capps C. Authority in Three Worlds. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1982. P. 24, выделено в оригинале.

200 Copeland K. The Laws of Prosperity. P. 18-29.

201 Copeland K. Following the Faith of Abraham. KCM, 1989. Audiotape #01-3001, side 1.

202 Copeland K. Authority of the Believer. KCM, 1987. Audiotape #01-0304, side 1.

203 Hagin K. Zoe: The God – King of Life. KHM, 1989. P. 35-36, 41.

204 Copeland K. The Forse of Love. KCM, 1987. Audiotape #02-0028, side 1.

205 Hinn B. Our Position in Christ. #2: The Word Made Flesh. Orlando: Christian Center, 1991. Videotape #255.

206 Цит. по: Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 107.

207 Cerullo M. The Miracle Book. San Diego, CA: Cerullo Word Evangelism, Inc., 1984. x-xi.

208 Copeland K. Spirit, Soul and Body I. KCM, 1985. Audiotape #01-0601, side 1. Цит. по: Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 121.

209 Hinn B. «Praise the Lord» program on TBN, October 3, 1991. Цит. по: Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 123.

210 Copeland K. Image of God in You – 3. KCM, 1989. Audiotape #01-1403, side 1.

211 «Benny Hinn program» on TBN. October 3, 1991. Цит. по: Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 123.

212 Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 124.

213 Ibid.

214 Hinn B. «Praise the Lord» program on TBN, October 23, 1992. Цит. по: Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 124.

215 An Open Letter about Benny Hinn. 16 May, 2000// .

216 Copelend K. Take Time to Pray// Believer’a Voice of Victory. 15, 2: February, 1987. P. 9.