231 Copeland K. What Happened From the Cross to the Throne. KCM, 1990. Audiotape #02-0017, side 2.

232 Цит. по: McConnell D.R. A Different Gospel. P. 120.

233 Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 165.

234 Ibid. P. 171.

235 Copeland K. Substitution and Identification. KCM, 1989. Audiotape #00-0202, side 2. Цит. по: Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 172-173.

236 Capps C. The Tongue… P. 117-118.

237 Capps C. Releasing the Ability of God. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1978. P. 98-99.

238 Capps C. Releasing the Ability of God. P. 101-104.

239 Capps C. The Tongue… P.103.

240 Цит. по: McConnell D. R. A Different Gospel. P. 173.

241 Kenyon E. W. Two Kinds of Faith: Faith’s Secret Revealed. Lynnwood, WA: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1942. P. 67.

242 Hagin K. Having Faith in Your Faith. KHM, 1988. P. 4.

243 Hagin K. Having Faith in Your Faith. KHM, 1988. P. 5.

244 Hagin K. Having Faith in Your Faith. KHM, 1988. P. 5.

245 Дворкин А. Указ. соч. С. 593.

246 Hagin K. How to Write Your Own Ticket with God. Tulsa, OK: KHM, 1979. P. 2-3. Далее как Ticket. Он же. Exceedingly Growing Faith. 2d ed. KHM, 1988. P. 73-74.

247 Hagin K. Ticket… P. 3.

248 Hagin K. Ticket… P. 5.

249 Hagin K. Ticket… P. 6-8.

250 Ibid. P. 11.

251 Ibid. P. 18.

252 Ibid. P. 19.

253 Ibid. P. 20.

254 Ibid. P. 20-21.

255 Capps C. The Tongue… P. 9.

256 Copeland K. Inner Image of the Covenant. KCM, 1985. Audiotape #01- 4406, side 2. Цит. по: Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 80.

257 Hanegraaf H. Christianity in Crisis. P. 80.

258 Цит. по: Бюне В. Указ. соч. С. 154.

259 Prophet M., E. The Lost Teaching of Jesus 2: Mysteries of the Higher Self. Livingston, MT: Summit University Press, 1988. P. 144, 207; Prophet M. L. The Soulless One. Summit University Press, 1981. P. 34.

260 Бюне В. Указ. соч. С. 154.

261 Там же. С. 155.

262 Цит. по: Бюне В. Указ. соч. С. 155.

263 Там же. С. 155-156.

264 Там же. С. 156.

265 Там же. С. 156.