427 Ibid.

428 Ibid.

429 Ibid.

430 Hanegraaf H. Counterfeit Revival. P. 58.

431 Ibid. P. 53.

432 Напр.: Huima A. Comparison Between the Kundalini Practice and the so-called Toronto Blessing //

433 MacNutt F. Overcome by the Spirit. New Jersey: Chosen Books, 1984. P. 37.

434 MacNutt F. Overcome by the Spirit. P. 50.

435 Barber T. X. Hypnotism, Imagination and Human Potentialities. N.Y.: Pergamon Press Inc., 1974. P. 4.

436 Ibid. P. 37.

437 Mikhaiel N. The Toronto Blessing and Slaying in the Spirit, The Telling Wonder. Earlwood, Australia, 1992. P. 14. Далее как The Toronto Blessing.

438 MacNutt F. Overcome by the Spirit. P. 34.

439 Lewis D. Healing: Fiction, Fantasy, or Fact. L.: Hodder & Stoughton, 1989. P. 186.

440 Mikhaiel N. The Toronto Blessing… P. 14.

441 MacNutt F. Overcome by the Spirit. P. 33.

442 См.: Дворкин А. Указ. соч. С. 336.

443 MacNutt F. Overcome by the Spirit. P. 22.

444 Hunter C., F. Since Jesus Passed By. Van Nuys, California: Time-Light Books, 1973. P. 17.

445 Mikhaiel N. The Toronto Blessing… P. 19.

446 MacNutt F. Overcome by the Spirit. P. 135.

447 MacNutt F. Overcome by the Spirit. P. 135-138.

448 Mikhaiel N. The Toronto Blessing… P. 30.

449 Ibid. P. 33.

450 Ibid.

451 Mikhaiel N. The Toronto Blessing… P. 210.

452 Ibid. P. 211.

453 White A. Demons and Tongues. New Jersey, 1949. P. 71-73.

454 Ibid. P. 77.

455 White A. Demons and Tongues. New Jersey, 1949. P. 82.

456 Goff J. R. Fields White Unto Harvest. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1988. P. 132.

457 Synan V. The Holiness Pentecostal Movement in the United States. Grand Rapids, 1971. P. 110.

458 Parham S. E. The Life of Charles F. Parham. N.Y.: Garland Publishing Inc., 1985. P. 163.

459 Web-page of the Orthodox Renewal Center of St. Symeon the New Theologian .

460 Eusebeus (Stephanou), archim. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit: An Orthodox Understanding. Destin, 1997. P. 3.

461 Ibid. P. 21.