Collected Works, Volume 1

St. Chrysostom on this

If parents diligently brought up their children, there would be no need for laws, courts, and executions (Discourse on Widows).

Parents will be punished not only for their sins, but also for their children, if they are not brought up in piety (Discourse 5 against the blasphemers of the monastic life).

Parents who neglect to bring up their children in a Christian way are more lawless than child murderers, for child murderers separate the body from the soul, and they plunge both soul and body into hell fire; According to the natural law, bodily death cannot be avoided, but eternal death would be possible if the negligence of the parents were not to blame for it. In addition, bodily death, when it comes for all, can immediately abolish it; but nothing can restore spiritual destruction (Discourse 5 against the detractors of monastic life).

The greatest sin is neglect of children, it reaches the very height of malice (The Book Against the Persecutors of Monastic Life).


Servants, obey your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling, in the simplicity of your heart, as to Christ, not only with apparent helpfulness, as men-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, serving with diligence, as to the Lord, and not as to men (Eph. 6:5-7, Col. 3:22-23).

St. Chrysostom on this

A servant who obeys the commandments of his master (which are not contrary to the law of God) fulfills the commandments of God (Discourse 4 on 1 Epistle to Timothy).


And you, masters, do the same to them (slaves), moderating your severity, knowing that there is a Lord in heaven over you and over them, Who has no respect of persons (Ephesians 6:9).

Lord, render to your servants what is due and just, knowing that you also have the Lord in heaven (Col. 4:1).