Collected Works, Volume 1

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12).

It is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God! (Hebrews 10:31).

Let all the earth fear the Lord, let all those who dwell in the universe tremble before Him (Psalm 32:8).

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 110:10).

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, he shall love His commandments greatly (Psalm 111:1).

What kind of person fears the Lord? To Him He will give the law for the way that pleases Him. His soul shall dwell in the midst of good things, and his seed shall inherit the earth (Psalm 24:12-13).

Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice before Him with trembling (Psalm 2:12).

How great is the abundance of Thy goodness, O Lord, which Thou hast hidden for them that fear Thee (Psalm 30:20).

These are the eyes of the Lord over those who fear Him, who trust in His mercy, to deliver their souls from death, and to nourish them in the time of famine (Psalm 32:18).

The angel of the Lord will encamp around those who fear Him, and will deliver them (Psalm 33:8).

Fear the Lord, all His saints, for there is no lack among those who fear Him (Psalm 33:10).

Thou hast given a sign to those who fear Thee, that they should flee from the bow (Psalm 59:6).

Thus, His salvation is close to those who fear Him (Psalm 84:10).

The Lord has established His mercy upon them that fear Him (Psalm 102:11).

And the mercy of the Lord is upon them that fear Him from everlasting to everlasting (Psalm 102:12).

Those who fear the Lord have trusted in the Lord: He is their Helper and Defender (Psalm 113:19).

Блаженны все боящиеся Господа, ходящие в путях Его (Пс. 127:1).

Волю боящихся Его сотворит, и молитву их услышит, и спасет их (Пс. 144:19).

Святой Златоуст об этом

Ничто не может сравниться с имеющим в себе страх Божий (Беседа 3 на Послание к филиппийцам).