Collected Works, Volume 2

Spiritual treasure,

Gathered from the world

A spiritual treasure gathered from the world

As a merchant from various countries collects

various goods, and brings them to his house,

and hides them, so can a Christian

From this world to gather spiritually beneficial thoughts,

and lay them down in your heart,

and thus build up your soul.

Part I

1. The World

Nothing happens by itself. Every city is not by itself, but by others, every house is not built by itself, but is built by others. Any letter is not written by itself, but by others. Every book is not written by itself, but by others. In a word, any thing is not done by itself, but by another. In the same way, this world is not created by itself, but by its Creator. He spoke, and they were made, commanded, and were created (Psalm 148:5). This Creator is our God in one nature, but in three persons believed, confessed and worshipped – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The world was not created by the Creator in the way that people create. People create one thing out of another, that is, they make a work out of some matter, and even then with difficulty. But God created this world, that is, heaven and earth, with their fulfillment, out of nothing and without any labor, with a single desire and word. He spoke, and they were made, commanded, and created – this work is ascribed to the almighty power of God. Our mind, which says that nothing comes from nothing, cannot understand how the great composition of this world is made out of nothing. But faith compensates for the lack of reason and convinces it to recognize that with God, as the Almighty, all things are possible. For with God no word will remain powerless (Luke 1:37). By faith we know that the worlds were made by the Word of God, so that out of the invisible things came the visible (Hebrews 11:3). She hears the testimony of the Holy Spirit: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:1), and she does not doubt it.

As the writer of a book draws words out of his mind, and writes them on paper, and thus composes a book, and as it were out of nothing, so the all-wise and omnipotent Creator, which He had in His Divine mind, and what He willed, created all things, and as it were a book of two leaves, that is, consisting of heaven and earth, Composed. In this book we see God's omnipotence, wisdom and goodness. Omnipotence – because He created everything out of nothing by His will and word. Wisdom – because Thou hast created all things wisely: Thou hast created all things wisely (Psalm 103:24). Goodness – because He created everything not for His own sake, but for our sake. Good is done for one's own sake. For God Himself requires nothing for His own sake, and as before the world, so now, and unto the ages of ages, He dwells in all-perfect bliss.

2. Solntse

Before the sun rises, darkness and night remain, but when the sun rises, the darkness departs and the light shines. So also before the coming of Christ, who is the righteous Sun, darkness covered the whole world, and the night was deep. But as soon as this brightest Sun shone and emitted its warmest rays to the whole universe, the most favorable and sweetest day for our souls shone. Then the prophetic word was fulfilled: the people who walk in darkness will see a great light; to those who dwell in the land and in the shadow of death, light shall shine (Isaiah 9:2; Matt. 4:16). The night is past, and the day draws nigh; Therefore, let us reject the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. As in the daytime, let us behave decently, not indulging in feasting and drunkenness, nor voluptuousness and debauchery, nor quarrels and envy; but put on our Lord Jesus Christ, and do not turn the care of the flesh into lusts, says the Apostle (Romans 13:12-14). Let us also walk according to the apostolic exhortation and be sons of light and of the day.