Collected Works, Volume 3

5) Such a person does not want to offend anyone either in deed or in word. But more than that, he tries to love everyone without hypocrisy, and both for himself and for everyone he wishes and wants everyone, like him, to be saved, for which he prays.

6) With every person not flatteringly, not deceitfully, but simply treated. What he declares in words, he has in his heart, and therefore he does not want to lie or deceive anyone.

7) The honor, glory, wealth, voluptuousness, and everything that in this world is considered to be the beautiful, dear, and pleasant sons of this world, it despises and despises, knowing that all this comes and departs from us as soon as a dream.

8) Eternal bliss alone is considered true bliss, which, once found, will never be lost, and once lost, will never be found. Therefore he thinks about it and tries not to lose it; thither he lifts up his thoughts and sighs, and prays to God for this, that by His grace He may vouchsafe him to receive them.

9) Since the enlightened one does not recognize anything valuable in this world, he considers all things in this world to be equal. For him, silver, gold, and other precious metals, in the opinion of man, are the same metals as copper, iron, tin, lead, and so on. He considers the precious stones that people keep in their chests and treasuries to be the same stones as those that lie on the roads and are trampled underfoot. He is equally nourished by both abundant and poor food, as long as it is healthy. He is covered with silk and cloth, both colored and dark clothes, and is warmed with both fox and sheepskin skins. He does not care where to live, whether in stone or wooden chambers, in rich chambers, or in a squalid hut, and so on. For he uses everything that is in this world only for the sake of need, and does not set his heart to anything, but only to his Creator.

10) He has this life as a path by which he goes to the desired eternity, and as a pilgrimage that must be completed soon, saying: "I am a stranger with Thee, O God, and a stranger, like all my fathers" (Psalm 38:13). Therefore, as a traveler and stranger, he does not burden himself with worldly things, but is content with what he has, remembering the Apostle's word: We have brought nothing into the world; it is obvious that we cannot take anything out of it. Having food and clothing, let us be content with these things (1 Tim. 6:7-8).

11) The more enlightened he is, the more he corrects his actions, corrects his deeds, words and thoughts, sees vices and small ones, and guards himself. And just as the more a man is enlightened by the natural and sensual light, the more clearly he sees everything: the road, the ditch, the things lying on the road and around it, and so on, for we see more clearly when the sun is shining than when it is just beginning to rise, and more clearly in the daytime than at dawn, so he begins to see everything more clearly, and sees the smallest vices, and avoids them, who is more and more enlightened by the supernatural light of God's grace. And to utter an idle word is not harmless to one who was formerly easy to blaspheme, scold, slander, swear, lie, flatter, deceive, steal, steal, and commit other grave sins.

12) If he stumbles in anything, and sins out of weakness, and sees his sin in his conscience, then he is very anxious and scolds himself, he is terrified and sick in heart. Therefore, he humbles himself, and prostrates himself before the majesty of God, and with humility asks forgiveness, acknowledging his guilt, and is strengthened in the hope of God's mercy.

13) Knowing the blindness of the human mind, with which a person is often deceived and thinks that he is on the good path, but is deceived in his opinion, such a person fervently and often prays that he may be more and more enlightened; and, not believing in the caresses of his flesh, he gives himself over to God to guide him and guide him, and asks: Tempt me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my ways, and see if there is a way of iniquity in me; and guide me in the everlasting way (Psalm 138:23-24).

Глава 4.

О суетном и прелестном украшении

И сделал Господь Бог Адаму и жене его одежды кожаные и одел их.

(Быт. 3:21)