Collected Works, Volume 5

How many idolaters are there in the world who give His glory to creatures! How many detractors who dishonor His terrible and holy name with foul tongue! How many robbers, murderers, robbers, rapists, adulterers, and other lawless ones, who fearlessly destroy His holy law in His holy eyes.. But the goodness of God suffers them long, does not punish them, does not repay them according to their works, but waits for their repentance, as the Apostle wrote: "The goodness of God leads you to repentance" (Romans 2:4). And again: He is long-suffering with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). And not only does he suffer long, but he does not cease to do good. He gives food, clothing, and other goods.

Marvel at the goodness of God, and knowing the goodness of God for yourself, be gentle and loving to your brethren. May the goodness of God move us not to know God's truth in ourselves. And if anyone abuses the goodness of God and does not correct himself, he will know the effect of God's truth on himself. The Lord is good, truly good, but also righteous.

Meditate on this, and, knowing the goodness of God in yourself, do not forget His righteousness.

Save yourself and pray for me, a sinner.

Letter Forty-Nine

You write that we see and know that nothing happens without God's Providence. Where do the troubles and misfortunes in the world come from?

Answer: Troubles and misfortunes are sent upon us from God, but even in this amazing goodness is shown:

1) Through His word, God calls everyone to repentance, as we read in many places of the Holy Scriptures and hear in churches, but when people do not turn and do not repent, He sends misfortunes upon them, so that they may be moved to repentance and seek Him. You see the goodness of God here too. God, not wishing our destruction, sends misfortunes upon us: He punishes us here, but does not kill us, corrects us so that we are saved, and does not destroy us. In His Scriptures, God threatens us with hell as well, lest we fall into hell. You see what is the purpose of the misfortunes sent against us. This is also done by pious authorities, who do not torture their subjects, but punish them in order to become good. For many are corrected and saved by misfortunes, as we read in books.

2) Those who are not corrected by misfortunes already perish in their malice. Thus Pharaoh was repeatedly punished, but did not reform, but became hardened and died.

3) The good and pious accept punishments in order to be established in godliness, for in well-being a person, because he is weak, is conveniently turned away from the good path. Therefore, they are also punished in order to become better. For just as a tree, the more it is purified, the more fruit it bears, so a good Christian, the more it is punished, the better fruits of virtue it produces. The Lord says about this: "Every branch that bears fruit in Me He cleanses (the Father), that it may bear more fruit" (John 15:2). Thus pious people learn the beautiful virtues: humility, patience, meekness, and love, and by them to follow and conform to their Lord.

4) Pious souls taste sorrows in the world, so as not to forget their heavenly homeland and not to consider the world as their homeland, but to raise their thoughts and strive there, where there are no misfortunes, troubles, sickness and sighing.

Ponder about this, and in adversity kiss, glorify and magnify the goodness of God.

Save yourself.