Jesus Christ - Redeemer of the human race

In what way is this Kingdom similar and in what way is it different from the kingdoms of the earth? Similar in that it also has laws, punishments, and rewards, it is dissimilar in the form of government. There physical force is used, and here spiritual persuasion; sometimes external means are also used, but very rarely and in extreme need. In the Church, αναθεμα is the same as political death in states.

What is the condition for entering this Kingdom? Two conditions: faith and works. One must first believe that this Kingdom exists, and then one must act as its laws require.

Whoever fulfills both of these conditions is given great rights, namely: he accepts the forgiveness of sins - this is a negative good! He is adopted by God on earth and becomes an heir of heaven - these are positive blessings!

What is the door through which one can enter this Kingdom? This door is Baptism. Everything is assimilated to Baptism because everything is concentrated here from the side of God and from the side of man: from the side of man - vows; and on the part of God, promises and rewards.

Do the subjects of this Kingdom fulfill the laws on their own? No, by the powers of grace, which constitutes a new distinction in the Kingdom of Christ.

Are rewards promised? They are promised and given, namely: in this life there is inner and outer peace; the Apostle Paul often points this out; external benefits are also given, such as longevity, health, fame and respect. These blessings were in the Old Testament and in the New, and they are promised, and were promised by the Apostles. In addition, in this same life miraculous gifts are given; in relation to them, no earthly kingdom can be compared with this Kingdom. There is a direct indication of these gifts, as a sign of the members of this Kingdom: they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will be healthy... the serpent shall be brought up: if they drink mortally, it shall not harm them (Mk. 16:18). They are also promised the appearance of God and the saints: I and the Father will come to him, and make our abode with him (John 14:23). There are a lot of examples of apparitions of the Mother of God and saints. In the future life they are promised the totality of all blessings, known under the name of eternal bliss. What are the punishments? The opposite of rewards, that is, the deprivation of all that is indicated above. Here is a brief and superficial sketch of the Kingdom of Christ.

On the Application of Salvation, or the Assimilation of the Merits of Jesus Christ to the Faithful

What is meant by the application, or assimilation of the merits of Jesus Christ to the human race? Of course, the transfer of salvation from Christ to people. And since this salvation is twofold, that is, it consists in the deliverance of man from evils and in the provision of good things to him, in reconciliation with God and in the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven, the application of salvation to the human race consists in the transfer to people both of reconciliation with God and deliverance from evils, and of the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven and the acquisition of blessings: both, without application, could remain in Jesus Christ alone, the author and source of all these merits, as it remains for some.

And even in human judgment they demand consent from the one for whom others are due, and without this it is impossible to impose on him exemption from punishment.

By the way, what part of the merits of Jesus Christ can apparently act without active application? A new earth and a new heaven can apparently be granted to him who is not prepared to receive them; the sick person can be placed among the healthy and surrounded by good air; In the same way, a sinner can be placed on holy ground. But it seems so to a superficial eye, but in fact it cannot be. A sinner cannot be given even a particle of blessings: he will not be in harmony with his new home, and there must be perfect harmony - there will be such a world as man is. This can be seen in the ordinary patient: the pure mountain air is intolerable to the consumptive, he coughs in him; For some birds the light is also unbearable, they are blind to it.

Who is the assimilator of the merits of Jesus Christ? There must be a mutual union of God with man, that is, God and man act here. When salvation was acquired, then only the Son of God acted; but when it is assimilated, then man must also act. Otherwise, if God alone had acted, then all would have been saved. It is known that God acts more, and man less; There are different opinions about how much a person acts. The Holy Spirit is the special and main agent in this case, but we must not forget that Jesus Christ is also at work here.

How does God assimilate the merits of Jesus Christ? It consists of: 1)

2) To help a weak person, who in this respect is like a completely paralyzed sick person, who cannot accept medicine without the help of another, but who has only his mouth and stomach for this.

In what does this assimilation on the part of man consist? On the part of man, it consists: 1) in the readiness to accept what is announced to him - to accept not only with the mind, but also with the heart, or, in the language of the Bible - in living faith. This condition on the part of man is the main and essential, but not the only one. And therefore this condition consists: 2) in the fulfillment of the conditions that are required of him, in behavior in accordance with the new state, or in a good life. But this does not make up everything. In relation to God's help, there must also be something third on the part of man. God gives strength to man, uses the means so that man may assimilate to himself the salvation acquired by Jesus Christ; a person must use all this, that is, he must obey the voice of the Church; to listen to and read the word of God, to use the Sacraments; this means that the assimilation of salvation on the part of man still consists: 3) in the use of what God gives to man and what He uses for this assimilation.