Words, conversations, speeches

And not in vain! Take the history of the world and change in it, even if you only rearrange a few royal names, and you will see that at the same time the history of whole nations must take on a different form of itself. The lives of kings and rulers mean so much! - And that is why almost all peoples, even those who do not lead the true God, turned to the altars on the birthdays of their lords: they felt that these were the sacred days of heavenly revelations about the fate of tribes and peoples.

But these great days become even more sacred, the eyes and hearts of the subjects with their coming turn even more quickly and willingly to heaven, when a successful reign serves as proof that the right hand of the Lord, bringing the ruler of the people into the light, has destined him to be the joy and glory of his people. Then every good thought about the Tsar-Father of the Fatherland involuntarily rushes with gratitude to God, and the memory of his birth naturally turns into fervent prayer for the continuation of his life.

Let us thank, then, most honorable compatriots, the Lord that we can speak in this way about the birthdays of sovereigns, without contradicting our own feelings and experience. The life and reign of our most pious sovereign are so beneficial for the Fatherland that his birthday, as the beginning of a new happiness for Russia, without any commands, in itself, is sacred for every son of the Fatherland. As a proof of gratitude to the Heavenly and earthly King, we can only spend this day in a way befitting him.

What is required for this? How should the birthdays of the most pious sovereigns be celebrated?

The first and most important occupation in such days should be to turn one's thoughts and hearts to the Throne of the King of Kings – the first and most important not only in terms of skill or any institution, but in the very essence of the matter. For Who gave existence to our king and adorned him with great abilities? -God. In Whose right hand is the continuation of its precious days for the Fatherland, its strength, strength and wisdom? - In the right hand of God. On whom does the success of his undertakings depend, the validity of the means he uses to create the public good? - From God. By whom will he be able to overcome temptations, overcome dangers, and overthrow all evil? - By the One God. Thus, our thoughts and hearts must now be turned first of all to God, to that God Who gives and departs the rulers of the earth, by Whom all kings reign, and all mighty write righteousness (Proverbs 8:15), from Whom proceeds peace and prosperity of the nations, Who does all things according to His will in the power of heaven and in the dwelling of the earth (Dan. 4:32).

And thanking the Lord for the past and the present, we must at the same time pray to Him for the future, that He crown him with the length of his days, instruct him to continue to carry out his great service without hesitation, show him, as the Church prays, "victorious to enemies, fearful to evildoers, merciful and trustworthy to the good", so that "in his days and to all of us peace - silence and prosperity, the dissolution of the air, the fruitfulness of the earth, and everything necessary for temporal and eternal life" (the words of the prayer from the moleben).

The performance of such thanksgiving and petitions before the Lord on this day is all the more convenient for everyone, since the Holy Church, as the first and most faithful helper of the well-being of society, precedes each and every one in this holy work by her own example. In the midst of her strong and fervent prayers for the tsar and the kingdom, even stagnant souls cannot but be moved to lift up their thoughts to grief, to the Throne of grace; and cold hearts cannot but be warmed by the fire of sincere love for the anointed of God.

After the prayers, it is very appropriate for the present day to pious contemplation of the destinies of God, which appear both in the lives of kings and nations, and in the life of each person. Such meditation is always instructive and very useful, for nowhere is so much wisdom of God revealed as in the management of human fate; but various cares and affairs prevent many of us from indulging in this salvific meditation. Let us do this, at least, on those days which, one might say, are dedicated to this: on the solemn birthdays of sovereign persons. Who divided the land among tribes and peoples? Who set up kings and rulers? Consider, how, in all earthly modifications, by the will of man, by the confluence of circumstances and accidents, the essential power of the whole earth nevertheless always remains the hand of the Lord (Sir. 10:4), and He, He alone, raises up those who are needed in time on it? As the smallest generations grow into vast powers, when they unswervingly follow the path of truth and truth; And how, on the contrary, do tribes and kingdoms, the most extensive and flourishing, diminish and fall, or are they transferred from tongue to tongue, for the sake of iniquity and their sins? (Sir. 10:8). As all earthly kingdoms serve, according to the intention of Providence, the invisible Kingdom of God, so does Creative Wisdom accomplish its destinies through the so-called "scourges of mankind"

And such thoughts and feelings are one of the best adornments of solemn days, for the very reason that they correct and sanctify the whole life of the celebrant.

Remembering in this way the birth of your lord, do not forget your own. For, in the words of the Most Wise, no king had any other origin of existence (Wisdom 7:5). The laws of birth, as well as death, are the same for everyone. And so, if ever, then on a day like the present it is opportune to ask each one of himself: Where were we before we saw the light? Who, how and for what purpose gave us breath and life? What is the law of our existence? What will happen to us after that? What should we all strive for and prepare ourselves for? Where are those who were before us, great and small, kings and slaves? It can be said beforehand that when contemplating these subjects, many will wake up from distraction and ponder, many will have their eyes watered with tears of repentance or tenderness, few will not accept it as a rule to behave better, few will not direct their thoughts beyond sensual blessings, above all that is visible and perishable.

Finally, the present royal day can be honored most of all with deeds of truth, mercy and Christian love. Whoever truly rejoices on the day of his Tsar's birth, truly considers his life to be a blessing from heaven for himself and for his Fatherland, for him it should be highly desirable to mark his gratitude to the King of Heaven and on earth with some kind of sensual sign, to bring them for this, so to speak, some gift. But what can we bring to those who do not demand our good things? For the King of Heaven and on earth, our virtue is most agreeable; moreover, for this very reason we must express our gratitude to them. Every work of civil counsel and wisdom, every feat of peace and social order, every active expression of pious feeling and brotherly love is a true tribute of gratitude before the anointed of God.

In this respect, our deeds of mercy and Christian love should especially attract attention. The King of Heaven, wishing to dispose people to mutual love, declared that He would accept as a blessing to Himself everything that would be done in the name of His least and needy brethren (cf. Matt. 25:40); there is no doubt that the earthly king is always ready to imitate the King of Heaven in this respect, ready to honor as a gift to himself everything that will be given to suffering mankind for his sake. Therefore, everyone who now wishes to rejoice the heart of his people, ease the lot of the suffering, wipe away the tears of the unfortunate - this is the best sacrifice to the tsar and the Fatherland. Even if such feats of private charity remained unknown to the ears of the king, they would not be hidden from the eyes of the King of Heaven, and He would find a means to rejoice the heart of the monarch for the virtues of his subjects, who cares that we should all be virtuous.

And so, this is the most appropriate way to sanctify a day dedicated to the remembrance of the birth of God's anointed: prayer and visits to God's churches, pious reflection on the ways of Providence regarding the origin, life, and fate of people and kingdoms; finally, by works of truth, mercy and Christian love. Such a pastime may seem too ordinary to someone. If only it really were! The fulfillment of duties should be the most ordinary occupation for us, and there is not a single day or hour in which we would be allowed to completely forget about God and His Providence, about the deeds of faith and Christian love.

However, whoever spends the present and similar days in the activities we have indicated, other means will open up to him of their own accord to honor their sacred solemnity in the most decent way.