Words, conversations, speeches

Is it not for this blindness and ingratitude that the great benefactors of mankind will land so suddenly from among the living?.. At least, the death of the great reformer of Russia followed in spite of all the needs and aspirations of the Fatherland. One might have thought that his soul had been summoned out of the blue to do something great in another world; and the minister of the word, without any flowery words, could ask at his grave: "What are we doing? Whom are we burying?" (the beginning of the homily at the burial of Peter the Great Theophan Prokopovich). We do not bury him, the whole of Russia might answer, but we escort to the Throne of the King of Kings one of those messengers of the Almighty, whom He entrusts to perform miracles of His wisdom and love. Peter's tomb is a monument testifying to the special presence of God among our forefathers, and faith can fearlessly inscribe on it the words of the king of Israel: "Thy processions have been seen, O God, the processions of my God, the King, Who is in holiness."

The processions of God's Providence in the destinies of nations are accomplished in the light; but sometimes, in order to bring human pride to reason, the Most High lays down His darkness (Psalm 17:12); and then the nations, as if abandoned by Providence, like ancient Israel, are ready to cry out: The Lord has left us to eat! The Lord has left us to eat! This terrible darkness was spread over our Fatherland as well. With Peter, it seemed, the sun of Russia knew the West and set forever. In vain the darkness of the night at the beginning of each reign is illuminated with bright radiances. It was a momentary flash of lightning - a light that does not create, but destroys. Even at the time when, for the consecration of darkness, by the voice of Providence, the daughter of Peter (Empress (1741-1761/62) Elizabeth Petrovna rose on the firmament of Russia, like the moon. (Editor's note)), even then, with its quiet flickering, the mighty Russian was not yet able to depart for his great work with all his forces. For this, his crown-bearers required the succession not only of blood and goodness, but also of the greatness and strength of Peter's spirit. But was it possible to expect this great succession, when with the daughter of Peter the most sacred line of his descendants was apparently ready to cease forever?

It is impossible from man, but it is possible from God, Who does good to the Orthodox people! Among the daughters of Germany, the hand of Providence has long prepared the vessel of Russia's greatness. Everything that is best in the gifts of nature and art adorns the young princess; The wise marvel at her intelligence, the good at the goodness of her heart, but all wonder why so many perfections have been combined in a woman far from the throne. No one knew that the future fate of the North rested on the shoulders of the young confidante of wisdom. But the King of kings knows His chosen ones! And behold, for the good of Russia, in spite of all obstacles, Catherine is on the throne! Now, peoples and kings, turn your eyes to the North, and heed and learn the destinies of the wisdom and righteousness of God! In the deeds of the wondrous woman, the decrees of Heaven will be heard. With what rapidity extraordinary events hasten to surround the throne of God's chosen one! Her pen and sword seem to be arguing with each other about the accomplishment of great deeds! Look: the borders of the Fatherland are expanding to the ancient borders of the Russian land; millions of brethren of the same faith are returning to the bosom of their common mother, the Orthodox Church**; the enemies of the name of Christ begin to tremble at the very name of a Russian; The cross ceases to be a symbol of weakness and humiliation in the East; at the voice of victory, Greece awakens from its slumber of death... No less miracles are performed within the Fatherland. From the lips of the monarch, all classes learn their rights and duties; and within the walls of Moscow the light sees the first of its kind experience of that legislation with which foreign wisdom is now so extolled. Oh, how good is the Lord to you, dear Fatherland, Who has vouchsafed you to see on His throne not only many wondrous men, but also the greatest of women; Who turned in her person to your good all that was best in the foreign education and arts of that time!

The right hand of the Lord create this power; she adorned Catherine with extraordinary gifts and abilities; she chose her from the host of royal daughters, led her amidst troubles and temptations, and elevated her to the throne of Russia; it surrounded it with great executors of great intentions; She gave kindness its strength and wisdom strength. At the grave of Catherine, as well as at the grave of Peter, the Russian must say with reverence: Thy processions have been seen, O God, the processions of my God the King, Who is in the holy!

Let us turn our last gaze to the last reign.

My God, what a spectacle human societies present! - The rules of wickedness, insanely sown for half a century, suddenly bear terrible fruit in their appearance****. The most famous of the Western thrones falls with a noise, revealing an abyss beneath it, ready to swallow up all the thrones in the world. The giant that came out of the midst of this abyss closes it with self-woven porphyry, but the spirit of transformations, expelled by him from his people, seems to be concentrated and incarnated in himself.

Whirlwind after whirlwind sweeps the face of the earth; He carries away thrones from where they stood for centuries; He puts it where there was nothing but huts. One of the greatest judgments of God is carried out over kings and nations!

What will happen to you, beloved Fatherland, in the midst of this agitation of the peoples and the Babylonian settlement of kings? Will you become a land of victory? Or will you divide up universal slavery? On the throne of Russia will sit a good and righteous tsar; But what is the meaning of goodness and righteousness in the face of power and wickedness? Should a young confidant of wisdom fight with a giant of battle?.. *****

Almost the whole world thought so; so judged even those who most desired salvation from Severus. The future ways of God are as far from the ways of men as heaven is from earth. And what about the proud enemy? Going from victory to victory, he did not even think that there was a place anywhere on earth for his defeat. In a frenzy of pride, he even dared to say that the lot of Russia had been fulfilled.

Thus, son of pride, this glorious lot has been fulfilled! The great hour of fate has come! Everything bowed down before thee, as long as only men, with their strength and wisdom, acted against thee; now fall into the dust yourself, for the Lord has reigned... put on... and girded up (Psalm 92:1)!

Here, most venerable listeners, it would be fitting to depict before you how the greatest of God's judgments was done to the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and to his minions, how the wisdom of the wise was destroyed and the strength of the mighty was crushed, how in the name of God alone smote thousands and ten chased away darkness, how the very elements fought (fought for truth, helped - ed.) the truth.

It was one of those great times in which, according to the prophet, they did not have to teach their neighbor... saying, "Know the Lord, for having been taught by terrible signs, all have known Him, from a little... unto the great (Jeremiah 31:34).

Thus, O Lord, we have seen and all tongues have seen, that Thou art the Lord, and that there is nothing like Thee; Thou shalt kill and live; in Thy hand is the strength of nations, and the strength of kingdoms; Thou exaltest the humble, and destroyest the thrones of the proud; Thou hast crowned Russia with universal glory, thou hast made her blessed monarch Alexander the firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. For to Thee alone is due glory for ever!

Thy processions have been seen, O God, the processions of my God the King, Who is in holiness!