Words, conversations, speeches

And does not the fate of the Fatherland present clear signs of blessing from above? - Did not the difficult experiments with which Providence loves to visit the peoples pleasing to Him, apparently turn to the greater strengthening and glory of Russia? Are not the destinies of kingdoms already decided by the wave of the autocratic sceptre? Do not proud enemies, in a moment of their weakness, find salvation in our generosity? Is not the great scroll of laws and justifications unbent before the eyes of all the sons of the Fatherland? Do new rights and distinctions crown the diligence of civilians? Does not the Holy Church rejoice at the increase in the assembly of supreme pastors and at the return to the bosom of her lost children? The future is known to God alone, but the true sons of the Fatherland already see with joy that the Lord will not slumber, but will fall asleep lower (Psalm 120:4).

Thou shalt be, dear Fatherland, and thou shalt always behold the miracles of God's Providence, but do not blind thy eyes with unbelief and doubts! Kings and peoples will not cease to turn their eyes to you, and to observe with respect your every gesture; malice and sedition will not cease to tremble at your very name; science and art with all their fruits will hasten under your bright and spacious roof; nature itself will open its bowels and entrust you with new treasures and mysteries - only be what you have been until now - keep intact the ancient pledge of faith in the King of Heaven and loyalty to the kings of the earth, and do not approach the forbidden tree of unbelief and mad liberty! It seems good to eat, pleasing to the eye, to see and to be beautiful... (Gen. 3:6), but within it is death and destruction. Do not forget that the appearance of the Lord, who is beneficent, is often preceded by fire and storm (3 Kings 19:11-12).

In such a case, fall down with humility before inscrutable destinies, but do not dare, never dare to sing the ways of God, and the glory of the Lord will be seen upon you! Remember how the processions of God's Providence are accomplished (Psalm 77 and 14). Therefore, first and foremost, try to adorn yourself with innocence of morals and truth. Without holiness, no one anywhere will see the Lord, neither kings nor nations, neither on earth nor in heaven (Heb. 12:14). Amen.

* This refers to the abolition of the Patriarchate under Peter I and the establishment of the Most Holy Governing Synod. The approval of these transformations by St. Innocent should be attributed only to his diplomatic gifts. (Ed.)

** Although Catherine II continued Peter I's policy towards the Church, abolishing 252 monasteries "as unnecessary" and allowing 161 to live on donations, the partitions of Poland objectively forced her to act in favor of Orthodoxy. From 1781 to 1783 alone, about 120,000 people voluntarily left the union imposed on them and returned to the bosom of the Orthodox Church. In 1794, Catherine II issued a decree permitting the free accession of all Uniates to the Russian Church, at the same time guaranteeing complete immunity to the Orthodox, Catholics, and Unites. And these guarantees were strictly observed! By the end of the reign of the empress, about two million people left the union, returning to the Orthodox faith; the only Uniate cathedra in the western regions was Polotsk. (Editor's note)

We are talking about the codification of laws carried out in 1767-1769 by the Laid Commissions. (Ed.)

This refers to the Masonic organizations that prepared the Great French Revolution of 1789, and then caused the counter-revolution of Napoleon Bonaparte. (Ed.)

Alexander I (1777-1825), Emperor from 1801 (Editor's note)

Sermon on the Day of the Accession to the Throne of Nicholas Pavlovich, the Most Pious Sovereign Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Delivered in the Kiev-Sophia Cathedral on November 20, 1832

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!

And in the lives of individuals, and even more so in the lives of nations, there are days which, whenever they return, evoke many different memories and feelings. Such, by the way, are the great days of succession of kings and rulers of the people; days on which centuries often depend. Such is the present day of the accession of the new autocrat to the throne of Russia, the throne which more than once gave a beneficial direction to the events of the whole world and to this day remains the main bulwark against the world's unrest. Which of the sons of the Fatherland can meet this day without many important memories and deep feelings? Who even among the foreign sons can meet him indifferently at the thought of the immeasurable consequences of the succession of the Russian crown-bearers? - This is the day by which not two reigns, but, perhaps, two universal epochs are connected with each other.