What shall I repay my Lord? I am vile, the Lord knows this, but I love to humble my soul and love my neighbor, although he has offended me in some way. I always pray to the Lord that He, the Merciful, would grant me to love my enemies, and by God's mercy I would experience what God's love is and to love one's neighbor, and I ask the Lord for love day and night, and the Lord gives me tears to weep for the whole world. But if I judge someone or look at someone unkindly, then the tears disappear, and then the soul becomes despondent; but again I begin to ask the Lord for forgiveness, and the Merciful Lord forgives me, a sinner.

I write, brethren, before the face of my God: "Humble your hearts, and see the mercy of the Lord while still on earth, and know the Creator of heaven, and your soul will not know satiation in love."

* * *

No one can know from himself what the love of God is, unless the Holy Spirit teaches; but in our Church the love of God is known by the Holy Spirit, and therefore we speak of it.

A sinful soul that does not know the Lord, fears death, thinks that the Lord will not forgive it its sins. But this is because the soul does not know the Lord and how much He loves us. And if people knew, then not a single person would despair, because the Lord not only forgives, but also rejoices in the conversion of the sinner. Although death has come, you firmly believe that as soon as you ask, you will receive forgiveness.

The Lord is not like us. He is very meek, and merciful, and good, and when the soul recognizes Him, it wonders endlessly and says: Oh, what a Lord we have.

The Holy Spirit has made our Church know how great God's mercy is.

The Lord loves us, and meekly, without reproach, receives us, just as the father of the Gospel did not reproach the prodigal son, but commanded to give him new clothes, and a precious ring on his hand, and boots on his feet, and commanded to kill a well-fed calf and rejoice, and did not rebuke him in anything.

Oh, how meekly and patiently we must correct our brother, so that there may be a feast in our souls about his return.

The Holy Spirit teaches the soul to love people inexpressibly.

Oh, brethren, let us forget the earth and all that is in it. It distracts us from the contemplation of the Holy Trinity, Which is incomprehensible to our minds, but Whom the saints see in heaven by the Holy Spirit.

And we will remain in prayer without any imagination, and we will ask the Lord for a humble spirit, and the Lord will love us and give us on earth everything that is useful for soul and body.

O Merciful Lord, give Thy grace to all the peoples of the earth, and they shall know Thee, for without Thy Holy Spirit man cannot know Thee, nor understand Thy love.

Little children, know the Creator of heaven and earth.