None of us attains the fullness of the love of the Mother of God, and we need Adam's repentance, but in part, as the Holy Spirit teaches us in the Church, we understand this love.

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"Did not our heart burn within us" (Luke 24:32), said the Apostles, when Christ drew near to them. Thus the soul recognizes its Lord, and loves Him, and the sweetness of His love is fervent.

In heaven all have the same love, but on earth some love the Lord much, others little, and some do not love Him at all.

The soul, filled with God's love, forgets both heaven and earth; the spirit burns and invisibly sees the Desired One, and the soul sheds many sweet tears and cannot forget the Lord for a single second, for the grace of God gives strength to love the Beloved.

Oh, in what glory is the Lord, and with what songs He magnifies in heaven, and how sweet are these songs, which are poured out of the love of God.

Who is worthy to hear these songs, which are sung by the Holy Spirit, and in which the Lord is magnified for His sufferings, and what joy will there be from hearing this song?

On earth, as soon as the soul touches the love of God, the sweetness of the Holy Spirit becomes enraptured towards the beloved God and the Heavenly Father.

Beloved brothers, let us humble ourselves, that we may be worthy of God's love, that the Lord may adorn us with His meekness and His humility, that we may become worthy of the heavenly abodes which the Lord has prepared for us.

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Господь любит всех людей, но кто ищет Его, того больше любит.

«Любящие Мя — люблю, — говорит Господь, — и ищущие Мя обрящут благодать» (Пр. 8, 17). А с нею хорошо жить, весело душе, и душа говорит: «Господь МОЙ, я — раб ТВОЙ».

В этих словах великая радость: Если Господь наш, то и все наше. Вот мы какие богатые.

Велик и непостижим наш Господь, но ради нас Себя так умалил, чтобы мы знали Его и любили, чтобы от любви Божией забывали землю, чтобы жили мы на небесах и видели славу Господню.