Flower Words of Advice

Father Porphyrios' story filled me with awe, especially his last words: "The pain was very strong. It was wonderful." How often did I not have enough strength to follow the Elder.


A few years after the operation, the illness of my confessor [49] recurred. His health condition was constantly deteriorating, he needed a new operation. The suffering of the patient was unbearable, he himself did not eat anything, food was injected into him through a tube. Day by day it melted like a candle. On one of my last visits, while my spiritual father was lying at home, he said to me in a low voice: "Tell Father Porphyrius that I am suffering greatly and, falling on my knees, I ask him to pray for me. If it is God's will that I live, then let Him leave me on earth for the sake of my spiritual children. If God wants to take me, then let him take me. Blessed be His name."

When I relayed his words to Father Porphyrios, he was very touched and asked me to call the sick man immediately. This was followed by an amazing conversation between my spiritual father, who was already on the brink of the grave, and Father Porphyrios, who had found himself at this last line three times in his life. My spiritual father, because of the severe pain, could only answer in one word – "yes" or "no". The elder encouraged the sick man, telling him about his own experience, about those days when he was balancing on the verge between life and death. The "professor" of spiritual life, who repeatedly endured the sufferings of the cross, strengthened his "student" in the most difficult hours of his crucifixion. Father Porphyrius spoke on the "loudspeaker". On my knees, I listened to this conversation, and tears flowed down my cheeks.

Having finished the conversation, the Elder turned to me and said: "How amazing. Your confessor was next to me. Have you seen him?" "No, Geronda, I have not seen him," I answered. Bodies are far away, but souls are near. I often call your spiritual father both day and night, especially when I see that he is very ill. We agreed to pray together at the same time. I try to talk to him when he is especially struggling, and it brings him some relief. However, he, like me, is very tired of visitors. All this is very clear to me, because I went through it myself. You did the right thing by not putting him in for surgery. Let everything remain as it is, as long as God allows." Almost losing hope for the recovery of my spiritual father, I asked Father Porphyrios: "Geronda, if God wills, even now, can not a miracle happen, and my spiritual father will remain alive?" But God, in His all-wise love, desired something different. A few days later, He took my confessor to heaven.

Take care of your health

During one of our meetings, Father Porphyrius, as a loving father to a son, gave me some private instructions. Here is what he said: "Be careful about what you eat. Do not eat those foods that, for health reasons, are harmful to you, and those that cause obesity. Don't lie in bed for a long time, or you'll get sick again. Move, don't sit still, do something, but in moderation. Walk more, not too fast, but not too slow, avoid ascents and descents, no matter how small. Take your walks on flat terrain, slowly, calmly, so as not to overwork. Go out of town. I won't tell you where to go for walks, go where you like, just make it outside of Athens, away from the exhaust fumes that are so harmful to your health. Don't go outside when it's too cold or too hot. When you go out into the cold, cover your nose and mouth with a scarf so as not to inhale cold air. And when it's hot, wear a panama hat so you don't get sunstroke. Be careful, avoid emotional turmoil and do not worry about what will happen. I know that no one puts pressure on you at work, and outwardly you look calm, but inside you torment yourself with thoughts: how to keep up with others, how to do more and better. Have you noticed how calm you are now, being on sick leave and not working for several weeks? When you move to another job, then the complex of uncertainty about the future will completely pass. Read the books of the Holy Fathers and pray. But first of all, don't worry, then you will quickly recover. The more you love Christ, the more you will rejoice and the less you will worry. Do everything with love and gratitude. Do not overexert yourself and do not fuss. Take your medicines for now, but the day will come when you will throw them away."

Having paid extra for treatment, he moved to the best clinic

Once, an acquaintance of the Elder underwent an operation with a hernia. However, finding himself in the ward among patients with more serious diseases, he, succumbing to cowardice, could not stand it, packed his things and left without having an operation. Then, having paid extra for his treatment, he moved to another, better hospital. After this incident, many began to laugh at him, considering his act cowardice. But Father Porphyrius considered that the patient had acted wisely, preferring to save money and a cheaper hospital with higher pay and confidence that he had chosen the best of what was available to him for the operation. "And I," said the Elder, "considering myself a sage, fell like an illiterate peasant." For example, Father Porphyrius repeatedly spoke about one medical error, as a result of which his health suffered greatly. "It is one thing when something is allowed to you by God, and another thing when you suffer harm due to your own carelessness, this should not take place."

Tips, diagnoses, recipes

"One man asked the Elder why, as a microbiological examination of the blood showed, he had an excess of cholesterol. Father Porphyrius answered: "From worries and from food."

A man whose nerves were out of order asked the Elder about this, and he answered: "Look for the cause of your illness in your soul. What is its condition?"

The visitor said to the Elder: "Geronda, in recent years, when I began to pray more and resort to the Sacraments of the Church, I have almost freed myself from my complex of uncertainty about the future." "This is how it should be," Father Porphyrius answered. "The grace of God has had mercy on you."

"One person had a rare fracture of the wrist bones, and the doctor suggested that he undergo surgery. The sick man turned to the Elder for advice. Father Porphyrius saw all the nerve endings passing and intertwining at the breaking point, and drew the visitor's attention to the fact that in the event of an unsuccessful operation, he could become disabled. In view of this danger, this man refused the operation. After a while, his arm passed and he forgot about his fracture.