V. Adamenko Service Book

Prokeimenon, ch. 6: "Blessed is the path along which you, O soul, walk now, for a place of rest has been prepared for you." Verse: "Return, O my soul, to Thy rest; for the Lord hath done thee good" (Psalm 114:7).

Stichera at the Last Kiss, ch. 2.: 1. "Come, brethren, let us give a last kiss to the dead, offering thanks to God. Here he has left his relatives and is hurrying to the grave, no longer caring about earthly vanity and long-suffering flesh. Where are his relatives and friends now? Now we are parting with him (her). Let us pray to the Lord that He may give him (her) rest." 2. "What kind of separation is this, brethren, what kind of weeping, what kind of weeping at the present moment? Come, kiss him/her, who has recently been with us. He is given to the grave, covered with stone, dwells in darkness, is buried with the dead. He (she) is separated from relatives and friends at this moment. Let us pray to the Lord that He may give him (her) rest." 3. "Now all the evil triumph of worldly vanity is being upset: the spirit has departed from its abode, and the clay has turned black; the vessel is broken, it is voiceless, insensible, dead, motionless. Seeing the deceased off to the grave, let us pray to the Lord that He grant him eternal repose." 4. "What is our life? Truly, the flower, the smoke, the morning dew. Come, let us look closely at the graves: where is the beauty of the body, where is the youth, where are the eyes, where is the slenderness of the body? Everything is dry like grass; Everything is disfigured. Come, then, let us fall down at the feet of Christ with tears." 5. "The separation of the soul from the body is great weeping and weeping, great groaning and suffering. A short-lived human life, a ghostly shadow, a seductive dream with imaginary misfortunes of earthly life, is hell and perdition. Therefore, let us flee far from all worldly sin, in order to inherit the kingdom of heaven." 6. "Let us all think of the last hour, seeing the dead lying before us. Here it disappears like smoke from the earth; has bloomed" like a flower; mowed down like grass; entwined with linen, covered with earth. Leaving him forever invisible, let us pray to Christ that He would give him eternal rest." 7. "Come, descendants of Adam, let us see one like us, cast down to the earth, having lost all decorum, decomposed in a tomb from putrid worms, swallowed up by darkness and covered with earth. Leaving him forever invisible, let us pray to Christ that He would give him eternal rest." 8. "When the soul prepares to be forcibly carried away from the body by terrible angels, it forgets all relatives and acquaintances and only cares about how to stand at the upcoming judgment with an account for the vanity and sins of the unfortunate flesh and receive forgiveness. Therefore, let us all humbly pray to the Judge, that the Lord forgive him all the sins committed against him." 9. "Come, brothers, let us look in the grave at the ashes and dust from which we were created. Where are we going now, what has become of us? Who is poor and who is rich? Who is a master, who is a noble—are not all ashes the same? The beauty of the face has decayed, and death has dried up the entire flower of youth." 10. "Verily, all worldly pleasures and glory are insignificance doomed to perish: we all die, we will all be dead, rulers and rulers, judges and nobles, the rich and the poor, and every human being. Those who were once alive are now cast down in their graves. Let us pray that the Lord may rest him." 11. "All the members of the body are now idle; Not long ago they moved, now they are all inactive, dead, insensible: their eyes are darkened, their legs are tied, and their hands and ears are inactive; the seal of silence is placed on the tongue – a person is given over to the grave. Truly, everything human is nothing but nothing."1 12. "Save those who trust in You, Mother of the Unsetting Sun, Mother of God, we beseech You: Through Your prayers beseech the All-Merciful to give rest to Him who has now migrated from us, where the souls of the righteous rest; make him, O Immaculate One, an heir of Divine blessings in the dwelling place of the righteous, in eternal remembrance." Slava, ch. 6: "Seeing me lying before you, voiceless and breathless, weep for me, brothers and friends, relatives and acquaintances. Yesterday I was talking to you, and suddenly the hour of death came for me. Come, then, all you who love me, and give me a kiss, for I will no longer go and converse with you, since I go to the Judge, who has no respect of persons: slave and master stand together before him, ruler and common soldier, rich and poor, in equal honor; each will be glorified or shamed by his own deeds. Therefore, I humbly ask everyone to pray unceasingly for me to Christ God, that I may not be taken for my sins to a place of torment, but that He may instill me in the darkness, where the Light of life is." And now, O Theotokos, ch. 6: "Through the prayers of Thee, O Christ, Who gave birth to Thee, and Thy Forerunner, Aiostol, prophets, hierarchs, venerable and righteous, and all the saints, "Give rest to Thy dead servant."

Troparia, ch. 4; 1. "Saviour, give rest to the soul of Thy servant (slaves, slaves) with the souls of the righteous who have attained perfection, preserving it in a blessed life with Thee, O Lover of mankind." 2. "In Thy resting place. O Lord, where do all Thy saints find the souls of Thy servant (slaves, slaves), for Thou art the only Lover of mankind." Glory: "Thou art God, Who descended into hell and changed the sufferings of the prisoners, Thou Thyself give rest to the soul of Thy servant." And now: "The One Pure and Immaculate Virgin, Who gave birth to God without seed, pray for the salvation of his soul (her, them)."

Litany:". Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great mercy, we pray to Thee, hear and have mercy." "Also praying for the repose: souls (souls), etc., p. 245.

Dismissal: "Christ our True God, Who has risen from the dead and has dominion over the dead and the living, according to the prayers of His Most-Pure Mother, the holy glorious and all-praised Apostles, our venerable and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, will dwell the soul of the one who has migrated from us to the dwelling place of the righteous, together with Abraham He will give rest and number among the saints, and He will have mercy on us, as the Good and Lover of mankind."

"In the blessedness of the righteous, O Lord, grant eternal rest to Thy departed servant (servant, slaves) and make eternal memory of him (her, them)."

Prayer of absolution for the deceased. "Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who said to His textbooks and Apostles: "Receive the Holy Spirit. To whom you forgive sins, they will be forgiven; on whom you leave, they will remain; whatsoever ye bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever ye loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" (John 20; 23. Matt. 18; 18), He granted them by His divine grace the power to bind and loose the sins of men. By the same authority, which we have received by succession from them, may he make through me, the humble one, this spiritual child (name) asked for all his sins committed before Vogue, according to the man's infirmity: in word, deed, thought, with all his feelings, voluntarily and involuntarily, consciously and unconsciously, through which he fell under the episcopal or priestly oath or excommunication, or brought upon himself the curse of his parents, either he fell under his curse, or broke his oath, or was bound, like a man, by some other sins, but repented of all of them with contrition of heart, – may he be absolved from all these intimidations and bonds. And now consign your sins to oblivion because of human weakness, may He forgive them for the sake of Your love for mankind, through the prayers of the Most Holy, Most Gracious and Enveloping Lady of our Mother of God and Eternal Virgin Mary, the holy glorious and all-praised Apoetoli and all the saints. Amen?.

VIII. Stichera, troparia, prokeimenon, irmoi and canons from the services of Great Lent.

On the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee.

Stanza on "Lord I Have Cried," ch. 4: "Brethren, let us not pray like the Pharisee, for he who exalts himself will be humbled. Let us humble ourselves before God; like the publican in fasting, let us cry out: 'God, cleanse us sinners.'" On the praise: "My soul, knowing the difference between the publican and the Pharisee, hate the proud prayer of the Pharisee; pray to the tender prayer of the publican and exclaim: "God, cleanse me, a sinner, and have mercy on me." Kontakion, ch. 4: "Let us avoid the pharisaic arrogance and learn the humility of the publican, crying out in repentant sighs: 'Saviour of the world, cleanse Thy servants.'

On the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.

Stanzas on "Lord, I have cried", ch. 1: 1. "Let us know, brethren, the power of the sacrament. The Most Gracious Father, going out to meet the prodigal son, who was returning from a sinful life to his father's house, kisses him and again returns him to his former honor and, slaughtering the fatted calf, arranges joy depicting joy in heaven, where we too may be vouchsafed communion with the humane Father, Who sacrificed His Son, the Savior of our souls, Who gloriously gave Himself to the slaughter." 2. Ch. 2: "I offer the prayer of the prodigal to Thee, O Lord: 'I am a sinner in Thy sight, O Good One; I have squandered the riches of Thy gifts, but receive me, O Saviour, who repent, and save me.

Troparion Sedalen, ch. 1: "Hasten to reveal to me the embraces of your father: I have wasted my life in fornication, looking indifferently at the inexhaustible richness of Thy mercies, O Saviour. Do not now despise my impoverished heart, for to Thee, O Lord, I cry out in tenderness: I have sinned, Father, against heaven and before Thee." Kontakion, ch. 3. "Having madly fled from Thy Fatherly glory, I have squandered in vices the riches which Thou hast given me. Therefore, with the words of the prodigal son, I call upon Thee; "I have sinned against Thee, O Merciful Father, receive me, repentant, and set me up as one of Thy hired servants." Stanza on Praise, ch. 4: "As a prodigal son I came to Thee, O Generous Father, having spent all my life on a foreign side; I have squandered the riches which Thou hast given me; O God, accept and have mercy on me, who repent."

On the "meatfare week".